Evergreen: Chapter 6

Mar 23, 2007 00:12

This chapter really should be called "When Insomnia Attacks". My body is refusing to let me sleep the right amount - I've had less than 30 hours sleep this past week, which is fairly worrying.
BUT it does mean you get the next chapter of 'Evergreen'!

Title: Evergreen
Chapter: 6 - Aftermath
Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway
Genre: Slash
Pairing(s): Brad/Ryan. Colin/Wayne. Drew/Greg.
Rating: 12 years and over
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making money from this.
A/N: You're all gonna hate me for this - I'm not telling the rest of the Colin/Wayne story for a fair few chapters yet. *pokes tongue out defiantly*.


"I told you you shouldn't have said anything," Brad said in a low voice, breaking the silence that had hung heavily between them since they left the bar. Wayne didn't remove his head from the car window. He was too engrossed in breathing on the glass and drawing patterns with his finger. Brad wanted to glance over and see if his friend was okay, but he was still slightly tipsy so he had to put all his concentration into driving the car.

"You were right," Wayne said softly, rubbing out the condensation with his sleeve.

"About not saying anything?"

"No. That I wouldn't be happy with the answer," he gently hit his head against the window a couple of times, "because I really, really am not."

Brad sighed, "I don't know what to say. 'I told you so' seems a little harsh right now."

"I don't even know why I am unhappy with it. He said he did love me, not he does..."

"Yeah," Brad said vaguely, squinting into the darkness. Mentally scolding Wayne for letting him drive in this state, he turned on the windscreen wipers as the first few drops of what would turn into a heavy shower obscured his vision.

"You okay?" Wayne asked, lifting his head.

"Yes...I think...my vision's still a little blurry, and the rain certainly isn't helping...is that a red-"

Brad slammed on the brakes and skidded to a halt.


The pair sat in silence for a moment before Wayne asked, "Is there a ringing in your ears, too?"

"I don't think I should be driving in these conditions."

"Well, it's a little late now!" Wayne exclaimed, "You can't leave the car in the middle of the road! Just concentrate."

"Okay, okay," Brad said, shaking his hands out, "Concenrate, concentrate, concentrate..."

He stared hard at the lights. They turned green, he slipped the gear into first and set off, pushing down just a little too hard on the accelerator.

Which wouldn't have been a problem.

If there hadn't been a car in front of him.


Wayne put the coffee down beside Brad who was cradling his left arm in his right.

"You really can't move it at all?" he asked.

Brad glared at him, "For the seventh time, no, I cannot."

Feeling bored and tired, Brad slid down in the plastic red seat and attempted to take a nap. This wasn't made easy, firstly by Wayne's incessant questions, and secondly by the only other person in the waiting room who had a disturbingly loud cough and kept muttering something about chickens.

A chill suddenly nipped at Brad as a thought occured to him, "How the hell am I gonna afford this?"

Wayne looked at him, "Huh?"

"This doctor's appointment. How much is it gonna cost? I mean, x-rays alone can be a couple of hundred bucks!"

"Probably," he replied nonchalantly, "Why are you worrying? Just take it out of your health insurance."

"I don't have health insurance!"

Wayne sat up, "What!? Why?"

"Because I couldn't afford it!" Brad yelled in a whisper, "I don't have car insurance either!"

"Mr Sherwood?" Brad looked up at the the smiling receptionist, "The doctor is ready to see you."

"Oh, okay, thanks."

Wayne watched him go, feeling utterly helpless. He would have loved to offer Brad a loan to cover the medical costs, but as he already owed a hefty sum (and not only to Wayne) he was refusing point blank to take any more money.

About an hour later Brad returned, his arm in a cast and sling.

Wayne stood up, "Is it broken?"

"What gave it away?"

Wayne ignored the sarcasm, "What are you gonna do? You can't go to work with your arm broken-"

"-so I won't get paid, so I won't be able to make rent, I know, I know." Brad finished with a small sigh, "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll all work out somehow..."

He didn't know if he was trying to assure Wayne or himself.

fic: sess_satan - evergreen

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