Mar 29, 2009 19:24
Just been to see 'Madame de Sade' staring Judi Dench over at the Wyndhams.
I bought my tickets in December as the play sounded really interesting, and it had Judi Dench; the reviews in the paper had been less than stellar and Judi Dench had a fall at stage door and might have had to pull out of the run, so I wasn't really expecting much. Surprisingly, Judi Dench was in it and hobbling around with a walking stick, which was great (although there were a couple of morons who clapped when her character made her first entrance which really didn't fit with the mood of the play) and I saw Ian McKellen in the audience (and possibly Philip Franks).
As for the play itself... well, the best I can say is content with very little substance. The lighting was beautiful, the set gorgeous, the costumes wonderful and the acting was first class pure awesome on a stick... shame the material let if all down. I'm glad I went to see it as I don't see plays very often but I'm a bit disappointed it wasn't overly good. Never mind.
The other night on the way home from work I bumped into my friend Steve who is the Deputy Chief LX at the Fortune Theatre, he said I can have a walk in on 'Woman in Black' if I fancy it. I saw the 'Woman in Black' a few years ago in Liverpool and thought it was brilliant so I'm definitely going to consider the offer (think I have to got some unpaid work for them in exchange but that's okay). There's quite a few things I fancy at the moment, most of the stuff I might be able to get a freebie on which is quite good :):):).
I'm doing lamp swap on Monday, that should be fun, then I'm off on 21st & 22nd April doing 'Intro. to Moving Lights' and 'Moving Light Maintenance' at White Light.