Went to see 'WALL-E'... I think it's my new favourite film of all time. Beautiful, moving and adorable... I want a WALL-E and EVE! Just finished watching 'The Orphanage', slightly creeped out and a bit sad - it has one of those endings that you can see coming but just don't want to happen. Trying to decide whether to watch 'The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert', 'Silent Running' or 'Boogie Nights'... (or possibly one of the many films in my large pile of unwatched ones).
I actually forgot today was Friday! Tomorrow I might go to the cinema again... if I can get to the Science Museum IMAX for 12noon I can see 3D Sea Monsters! *might get up early*. Apart from that I don't know what else I want to see, don't fancy 'The Dark Knight' (really didn't like 'Batman Begins', I like my superheroes to be a bit camp and superhero-y I don't care about what's going on in their heads or their psychological profile.)
Back to work on Monday :( :(
Pleased to see that Carlos Sastre is still in yellow, I feared that he'd broken a few days ago but nope! He pulled things out of the bag and proved he really is one of the strongest contenders for the overall win. It is a bit sad to see Frank Schleck loose the yellow but he might get it back, and if he doesn't win he's definitely a man to watch next year.
Since it *is* Friday
1. Five things Watson glossed over in his writings, and will never tell. (One of them made Holmes threaten to kick him out of Baker Street if he ever told)
a) Toby pulled Holmes into a pond. Several times.
b) Lestrade solved 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', he made an off-hand comment about it probably being an unknown heir happening to own a big dog.
c) Mrs St Clair was determined to bed Holmes, which is why Watson was dragged into it.
d) Sherlock got stuck breaking into the house in GREEK and had to be pulled out by Mycroft.
e) Holmes is a short-arse.
2. Five rejected titles for Holmes' monograph that he eventually titled "The Benefits of Having An Intimate Companion".
a) Sex Rocks
b) Snuggling in the Moonlight
c) Stress Relief for Dummies
d) Fending of the Nightmares
e) Twisted Bedsheets: An Intimate Memoir
3. Five times Mrs. Hudson fled the sitting room in embarrassment. ("For heaven's sake, woman, knock!!" was heard all the way to the corner after the second time.)
a) Watson was dealing with an ingrowing hair in a tricky place.
b) Holmes doing his morning exercises. Naked.
c) Hopkins showing his appreciation.
d) Rumpy pumpy on the sofa.
e) Holmes sobbing whilst Watson stitched the head back on his stuffed mouse.
4. Five of Watson's favorite ways to torture Holmes. (One involves spiders)
a) Putting a large spider on a string and dangling it over Holmes's face whilst he's asleep... then waking him up suddenly. (Watson's favourite form of revenge for an early morning wake-up call).
b) Tickling.
c) Tying Holmes to a chair and wander naked around the sitting room doing a lot of stretching and bending over.
d) Refusing to read him his bed time story.
e) Singing to the awful scratching noises Holmes makes on his violin.
5. Five things Inspector Lestrade found in the pockets of the young man he arrested for lewd behavior down by the docks. (He had no idea it was Holmes in disguise until he found the third thing)
a) One medium sized tube of Vaseline. Half empty. "I imagine pulling ropes all day must hurt your hands somewhat."
b) One pair of handcuffs. Fluffy. "... well, at least they won't chaff."
c) One wallet, initials SH. "Amateurs mistake there Mr Holmes."
d) One notebook with drawings of... "Really Mr Holmes!"
e) One door key. "Thought Mrs Hudson wasn't going to give you another key until you explained what happened to the last fifteen she gave you?"
Five disguises Holmes uses to seduce Watson in public. (One of them almost got Holmes arrested)
a) A large-breasted woman
b) Father Christmas
c) A nun
d) A priest
e) A duck.
Five fights that nearly ended the friendship.
a) The duvet stealing.
b) Who's turn it was to walk Bert
c) Who used the last of the loo roll
d) Whether or not the vile smell in the sitting room was Holmes's fault or not
e) Who ate the last piece of cake.
Five reasons Watson always comes back to Baker St. (Could it be the shepherd's pie?)
a) Holmes
b) Mrs Hudson always looks after him
c) He misses Bert humping his toe in the mornings
d) The sex wasn't as good with Hopkins
e) He forgot his special cream.
Five times the weekly Bid Whist game at Baker St got out of hand. (Mrs. Hudson vowed never to make her "famous" dip again after the third time)
a) Hopkins misheard and thought they were playing BED whist... this proved to be a lot more fun than bid whist.
b) Too much spice in the dip, only one lavatory.
c) Holmes didn't quite understand why he was loosing and got stroppy.
d) Lestrade got violent after too much whiskey
e) They turned it into strip whist.