(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 19:05

"Well, there's no reason for you to find a hotel, your staying with us."

"Dr Cullen, it's not that I don't appreciate the offer."

"Nuh uh, Dad's right, besides do you think you could really hide your pregnancy if you where in a motel, even with the fact that your a man, people notice that kind of sudden weight gain."

*Damn, the large vampire was right.*

"We have a number of spare rooms you can use one of them."

"Sir, I can't stay here, not if it'll hurt anyone."

"Jacob, it's ok, I'll be able to handle it."

"Are you sure Bella, I don't want to cause you trouble."

"You've always been my friend Jake, I won't let this get in the way of that."

"Ok, thanks Bells, I can guarantee I'll make no effort to separate you and Edward, what happened should never have been in the first place."

Jacob relaxed fully at His best friends reassuring smile, glad one little mistake hadn't destroyed one of the few friendships he had left.

Suddenly all the vampires lifted their heads and turned towards the door, Jacob sniffed, it was Seth, one of the few members of the pack that hadn't turn their back on him when they'd found out he was keeping the baby.

"It's ok, it's just Seth, he's not as bad as the other's about this."

Dr Cullen was the one who opened the door at Seth's knock.

"Well, you can come in if you like."

Jacob's brother wolf was practically vibrating with excitement, Seth had always wanted to really meet the vampires, and the bag full of loose clothes he was carrying gave him both a chance to do that and see how Jacob was doing.

"Jacob, how are you, these are from your dad, he said you might need them."

He bounced over to Carlisle.

"So, your a doctor, how does that work anyway, I thought the smell of blood was like the dinner bell for you guys, I've always wanted to meet you guys, is it true that you have no heartbeats, what about garlic, does that actually work, are you like the Buffy vampires, can you have normal food if you mix it with blood, or the Blade ones, their allergic to silver you know."

Carlisle, while being able to answer the first few questions, had never heard of this Buffy show, or the Blade series for that matter, and apparently neither had the rest of the family, so he settled for telling young pup what he actually knew about his kind, which was quite a lot.

Jacob was surprised at how Seth was paying attention to the eldest Cullen, he was drinking in every bit of knowledge the Cullen Patriarch was willing to give him, he'd never known the young wolf to be so still, he turned to see both Edward and Jasper looking at him with, what could almost be seen as protectiveness.

It was something he actually understood a bit now, having listened almost as much as Seth to Dr Cullen, vampires almost never had children, and never with another vampire, the combination of two vampires just wasn't viable for some reason, he felt more than a little unsettled at the realisation that he was practically a miracle for this entire family.

He saw it in the way the eldest woman was talking about baby proofing the house, and how the Pixie girl was already pulling him aside every chance she got in order to discuss baby clothes, and the blonde girl stopped scowling at him as soon as she'd heard the news, and Dr Cullen was already writing down what books he'd need to re-study, just to make sure he knew everything he needed for the surgery, and in how the big guy was just standing there, like some kind of protective sentry, realizing he really had no choice for his living space, he turn towards the eldest members of the family.

"Alright, since I'm staying here, we need to get food, Seth, could you take the news of my living arrangements to my Dad please."

"Sure Jacob, but, you do realize what the rest of the pack is going to say."

"I know Seth, but the Cullen's are right, this is the safest place for me."

"Alright, see you later Jacob........Uhm, Dr Cullen, Sir, it's ok if I come and see him, isn't it?"

"It should be fine Seth, I'm rather looking forward to having someone around who actually wants to know about the history of Vampires."

Seth's obvious delight at the praise was drowned out by the rest of the Cullen family's groans.

"Our history is very important, weither you like it or not."

Jacob thought he might actually survive this after all.

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