(no subject)

Jan 16, 2009 13:47

Dinner started out as a very silent affair, Dad was watching mom exceptionally closely, expecting him to run away at the first chance he got, Jack was nervous as hell, which he hide by flirting as much as was physically possible for him to do.

And Ianto, well Ianto was trying to cook the dinner, it was difficult as every five minutes someone would call him out to the table.

"Ianto, son, are we having that chicken you make?"

"Yes Dad, I've told you three times already, and stop drumming on the table, you know I hate it when you do that."

"Sorry, it's stuck in my head."

"Well don't stick it into ours."

"What chicken, Ianto, how come I've never had any."

"Because we always go out for dinner Jack, or eat something at the Hub."

"But, I come to your house after."

"Yes, and we're already full by then, I thought you liked my breakfasts anyway."

"I do."

"Besides, if you shut up and let me cook it you'll know all about the chicken."

There was quiet for another five minutes.


"*sigh* Yes Mum."

"Can we have some Bananas for dessert?"

"I haven't got any here."

"I could go get some."

"He means WE could go and get some."

The Master was very pointed about this, he wasn't letting the Doctor out of his sight until they finished dinner, at least.

"If you really want some, you can both go and get them, but don't forget the cream and cinnamon as well, I have sugar here."

There was a shuffling of noise, then the front door opened and shut, as soon as his lovers parents where gone, Jack strode into the kitchen.

"Don't even think about it."

"I was just gonna get a kiss."

"On what?"

"Alright fine, just the lips."

"That's better."

Ianto leaned around slightly and gave Jack a quick kiss before returning to his cooking.

"That's it?"

"We'll do more later, when my parents aren't about to come back, besides it's nearly time to put the chicken in."

Jack finally noticed that the chicken was only just going to be put under the grill.

"If your only just putting the chicken in, why have you only been coming out of the kitchen occasionally."

"The chicken needs to be properly marinated, I had to turn it every fifteen minutes to keep the coating even, besides, mum and dad needed a bit of time alone together."

"But, I was there."

"Not for the first three hours."

"It has to Marinate THAT long?"

"No, The marinade has to blend first, you don't just mix it together and hope for the best, you leave it for at least an hour, longer is better."

"Right, that's a long time, so where they alone together the ENTIRE time?"

"Jack, I do love you, but please, take your mind out of the gutter for five minutes."

"I never.....alright, maybe a little."

They where pulled out of the conversation by the front door opening and the sounds of an argument filling the lounge room.

"I can not believe you, you threatened that poor woman."

"She was going for the last bunch of bananas, you said you wanted them."

"I did, but we could just as easily have gone down the street for them."

"I didn't want to go down the street, dinner might have gone cold."

"He was only just putting them in the griller, we had about Fifteen minutes, or more."

"I don't like walking down streets."

"Oh no, your the high and mighty Master, a walk is beneath you."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did, you never did like taking me on walks."

"That's not true and you know it, I've taken you on plenty of walks."

"After I've begged for them."

"Mom, Dad."

"Of all the things to pull....."

"Mom, Dad."

"If you would Just..."
"MOM!!!! DAD!!!!"

"Yes Ianto."

"Dinner's ready."

"Thanks son."

Jack and Ianto where both happy for the silence that followed as Ianto served up the meal and everyone ate.

"So, your both staying tonight."

"Ianto, it might not be a good idea."

"I've already made up the guest room so your staying for the night."

"I......alright, we'll stay, just for the night though. right honey."

"That's fine."


"Yes Jack."

"Do you still want me to stay?"

"Of course I do Jack, just, no sex tonight."

"Ok, I should be able to handle one night."

"You know, you might not be so bad for our son Jack, this is the first time you've been willing to forgo sex for.....well anyone really."

"I'm glad you think so Doctor, cause there's no way you or the Master can make me go away."


Next chapter Sleepover


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