TBI Fail

Dec 04, 2013 08:00

Well, the holiday music thing is not gonna happen. I'm flummoxed. I've been meeting with a neuropsychologist and a neurologist for further testing and help with TBI symptoms. I've also been given PT sessions. So for the first meeting with my PT I messed up the appointment time. They even called me to make sure I had the paperwork filled out but I didn't make the connection that I was to be there at 8am and thought it was 9am. They called a gain and I rushed down, unprepared. Fortunately they understand TBI but it set my day off badly.

A new medication seems to be helping. I feel more energetic and having been getting small things done. I think I'll get a small storage unit to help me deal with the sorting and tossing. Having less clutter around me with help me focus. Or so I think.

I also started a new position at the day jobbe. I'm just focusing on wine now and I enjoy it. It's been a very rough start. I came as close as I ever have to losing my temper at work. Finally I had a heart to heart talk with management and told them I couldn't do this without their heir support. They assigned designated wine stocker so hopefully it'll work out. It was much better yesterday.

The final fail is I can't seem to restore my iPhone. Currently I have no one's contact info or some aps that I usually rely on. I don't understand why or what I'm doing wrong. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar made it seem simple. But it's been a week now. I'll have to go back but I wanted to avoid holiday shopping rush. Maybe tonight.

And while I put up holiday lights and they worked the next day they didn't and I know not why. It's too cold go to poke around them now though. Yes, they are plugged in.

Meanwhile off into the cold.

via ljapp, tbi, tbi fail

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