Week Whiplash

Jun 09, 2014 10:04

It's been a tough week and a joyous week. Grief, sorrow, joy, cheer, happiness, hope, in such large doses that by Sunday morning I was completely wiped out. I called in sick to the day jobbe, crawled back into bed, and slept to 10:20am. All Sunday was a daze, and today I'm ready to get on with things. No excitement please.As you may know, last Sunday, June 1, my friend Jay Lake died. He had colon cancer when I met him and that is what eventually killed him. His loss is huge. Life is unfair, cancer sucks, and I sorrow not just for loss but for all the others who grieve. Someday I may be able to write about Jay. Not today.Saturday June 7th was Jay's family memorial. June 7th was also my father's 75th birthday and June 7th my brother married his best friend CN. My brother is funny smart. He's the kind of guy you don't really expect a zinger from and when he delivers one it'll knock you silly with laughter. When I asked if he wanted to say anything as we drove out to the site on Orcas Island where they were married, he said, "I'd like to thank Mark Zuckerberg." Yes, my friend met his wife on Facebook--how modern. I was late getting to Anacortes to pick them up. We scrambled into the car, drove to the ferry, hopped out and BB drove off to park the car. He then ran to catch the ferry at the last second--probably the farthest he's run in a great while.Onboard we met with my Dad who had got in line early with their car so we had wheels on Orcas. I gave CN a penny from 1965, a pair of pearl earrings, loaned her a pearl necklace, and the flowers I brought were blue and white thus fulfilling one wedding tradition. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. They'd found a lovely dress at Value Village, a nice shirt for BB. The ceremony was perfect.

I highly recommend the woman who officiated. And now I have a new sister and a nephew. CN lives in Nova Scotia and my brother will be going there as soon as immigration works out. For now, they are happily wed and I have an excuse to see part of Canada I've only flown over before.

For now.


via ljapp

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