Holiday Music, How I Love You

Dec 01, 2013 08:45

By now y'all are well aware of my delight in holiday music. It makes me happy, I know the words, and for the month of December I wallow in it.

In past years I've posted nothing but versions of Blue Christmas, or Songs about Snow, or random videos. This year I give you versions of my favorite holiday songs. Up first, Jungle Bell Rock. Long long ago I took some dance lessons, ballet (ugh) and tap (hurray!). My dance school gave an holiday performance where I and a half dozen other little girls danced to Jingle Bell Rock. We threw "snowballs" into the audience and shuffled our hearts out.

Oh, and at least one version will be on ukulele, of course.

I give you Hall and Oates hamming it up.

this bit of weirdness from Billy Idol

And a ukulele


via ljapp, solstice, music video, music, ukulele, holiday music, christmas

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