Man of Black and White

Jun 26, 2009 12:22

I was filling my university application form this morning when a shocking news hit me.

Michael Jackson passed away.

Well, it's not like I'm a maniac, but to me, his music is a prominent part of my childhood era. I still remember how he chanted Black or White on TV screen when I was like... 3 or 4; spreading peace, freedoms and fraternity which exceeding racial boundaries. And I still remember those excruciatingly creepy sensations running through my veins every time I replay Thriller in my music player. He's got style, he's got amazing voice, not to mention he mastered those wonderful, breathtakingly exciting dance moves.

You've become legend like you previously desired. You have already died, yes, but you know, those songs of yours still remain, continuing their noble quests to Heal the World.

Well, Michael, I'm gonna miss you. May you rest in peace, and thank you for your contribution to the world's music industry.

I'm gonna miss you. Really.

michael jackson

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