Omake no Kobayashi-kun: The Fabulous High School Era!

Jun 22, 2009 12:03

Hello! How are you guys doing? Anybody miss me due to my absence? XD *dodges rotten tomatoes*

I finally drop here back to say hello and... yeah, ramble about one of my beloved OTPs, ChihiroYamato from Omake no Kobayashi-kun manga! ♥

I'm terribly sad because the manga seems very underrated and there aren't many decent discussions about it. Actually, while being very light-hearted and also comical, it still maintains some angsts and serious undertones too. One thing I love the most about Omake no Kobayashi-kun is the way it was being presented naturally, how the plot runs smoothly, and scrutinizing these wonderful characters like Yamato, Chihiro, Fubuki and Kengo developed great friendship and genuine trust really pulled my heart's strings. So much love to be found there, and whenever I'm depressed about school matters or friendship, I always seek comfort from reading it. Enjoying Omake no Kobayashi-kun is like turning back the pages of your high school era and bring those moments to life!

How's that lead me to ChihiroYamato, anyway?

Well, see... frankly, it's been bothering me since two years ago, but back then my mind was too clouded in Prince of Tennis's grandeur to think about such a thing. Now, while I'm currently detached from Tenipuri, it hits me again. Strong subtleties, beautiful hints, and statements from the other character (even the mangaka, Masami Morio-sensei) regarding their relationship are really insightful^^. I can't help but to surrender in this alluring bond of love between them XD.

Still don't get it? Let's see if this explanation of mine works.

(As a forewarning for you guys, this has nothing to do to disregard Fubuki or Kengo's role in Yamato's life. I feel like focusing on ChihiroYamato just for the hell of it. Thank you.)

ChihiroYamato is anything but ordinary. I'll tell you why.

Yamato Kobayashi is a cute, childlike high school student who has terrible past. His family was killed in car accident and since then, he has been engulfed in deep sorrow, anguish, and loneliness because he constantly thinks that nobody loves him, no one will care for him. Since then, he moved from one surrogate family to the other, but never stays long enough to be capable of forming a sense of familiarity. But Yamato always accepts like it's kind of inevitable destiny which he has to bear as long as he lives.

Thankfully, he gets transferred to Himawari Gakkou. Yamato then tries to getting to know his friends, proving himself as a kind-hearted person and later succeeding in bring the best out in others. He bravely confronts other Kobayashis to emphasize his willingness to befriend them, even though his classmates suggest that he should just give up, considering those Kobayashis resembles Bermuda Triangle: anyone who gets near will completely lose themselves. Nonchalant of that kind of warning, Yamato keeps persisting. He stumbles over many troubles along the way, but in the end, all works pay off. He becomes close to other Kobayashis, whom have prominent roles to change his perception of happiness.

Within their mutual friendship, he finds somewhere to belong.

Welcome home, Yamato-kun.

Yamato begins to climb up to escape from a dark hole called depression, and it's all because of his new-found best friends. One of them is the charming, witty but sadistic guy I'm talking about in this post: Chihiro Kobayashi.

Chihiro Kobayashi isn't your shining paragon of beautiful, perfect, kind boy. No, talking about him means that you have to push aside such typical characteristics. If I can only choose one word to describe him, it'd be twisted. He loves setting traps and annoys the hell out of people (although thess certain circumstances only apply when he's dealing with the ones he love), and while being in calm state, Chihiro is usually engrossed in readings/catalogs which revolves about traps or such scary things XD. He simply loves making fun of other people (especially Yamato, in whom he finds very suitable as an object of his malicious tricks) and perpetually seeks thrills of pleasure from it. Yeah, he's weird like that. And more importantly, it's Chihiro's way of expressing love. Once, Fubuki ever comments that he possesses something called 'reversed-love'. Chihiro never bothers to know other people if he's not truly interested in them. He's an individual, intense person who couldn't care less about the world. He never take personal feelings half-heartedly; once he considers you're worthy of, he will follow you to whatever end.

Yamato Kobayashi turns out to be that kind of person.

The turnaround in their relationship happens in the seventh volume. Chihiro outspokenly says that his feelings towards others is often get rejected, but Fubuki replies that he should be flattered by his admirers' attention to him. Knowing nobody can take this matter seriously, Chihiro leaves. Meanwhile, Yamato accidentally falls asleep while sitting on a bench. Chihiro approaches him, decides to wait for him to wake up. In fact, Yamato is having a bad dream, how he keeps being pushed away by other people. As a result, Yamato mutters and mumbles incoherent words, only to be woken up by Chihiro, who promptly shakes him. With a serene smile plastered on his countenance, Chihiro caresses Yamato's hair (can you imagine how cute is that? XDD), wants to know what's wrong with his little Lassie. Seeing this gesture, Yamato timidly asks if Chihiro likes little Lassie (or translated as Yamato himself). Without hesitation, Chihiro says,"Of course."

Overwhelmed with gratitude and delight, Yamato launches himself on Chihiro, embracing him joyously. Chihiro is mentally surprised, but Yamato is too busy shrieking,"I like you too, Chihiro! I like you so much!" After some time, Yamato releases Chihiro, apologizes for being overly enthusiastic. Leaving Chihiro alone, astounded on the bench, Yamato wanders around school, totally oblivious to the effect he has caused. A few moments later, Tsubame-sensei happened to walk by. Noticing Chihiro's awkward mannerism, he wonders aloud if Chihiro is mesmerized by something.

Hahaha... I bet that is quite a surprise for Chihiro, isn't it? For the first time ever someone openly makes a declaration of love in front of him, and only for him. For whatever (twisted) reason, I strongly believe that Chihiro is clearly touched by Yamato's act. In other instance, Chihiro finds Yamato crying silently after being hurt by Ageha. Not saying a word even a bit, Chihiro brings Yamato's head to lay on his shoulder, hugging him protectively. His once serene eyes show a glint of anger. Chihiro stays silent, not prying like he used to (but I swear, it's as if he vows to crush anyone who dares to hurt Yamato). No wonder he bursts in soaring rage when he knows Ageha is the person who does it (although unintentionally). Even Kengo can't stop him, so in order to stop Chihiro, Yamato steps in between him and Ageha to prevent any further damage. And believe me, it works. Chihiro regains his sanity--Yamato sighs in relief and--once again--falls onto him, grabs a fistful of his shirts, chuckling lightly.

Then, Chihiro says one of the most memorable remarks ever happened in the manga:

"If you're smiling, then it's enough. I'm glad."

And Yamato stares at him, stares and stares as if sudden realization has already dawned on him.

(Honestly, what's there not to LOVE? ♥ ♥ ♥ *is estatic*)

All things have been settled. Chihiro will be there to protect Yamato from any harm, and he's willing to risk everything for that, even his sanity. For sure he will keep an eye on him, taking care of him and even drags him back to reality whenever Yamato lose himself. He can be the sturdy rock for Yamato to lean on whenever he's too tired to get back on his feet. He's not afraid to confront him to tell the truth right away, like saying there's no sense in pretending or hiding anymore. Chihiro will invade Yamato's personal space if he has (and needs) to, but he can also wait patiently for him to slowly open up. To summarize, Chihiro uses deliberate as well as delicate approaches towards Yamato, so Yamato can heal, so he can be free from his hauntingly tragic past.

Yamato cures him too, by telling him he's become someone precious to him, by being a fierce supporter to Chihiro, by understanding his deepest feelings and motivations; defending him when no one else doesn't, by saving him from the pain of loneliness. According to vague hints which spread between the lines, those are few reasons of why Chihiro's really fond of Yamato. Yamato feeds his mental hunger, providing certain aspects he longs to embrace: acceptation, acknowledgment, and love.

They're epitome of soul mates, two pieces from the same puzzle, meant to fit to each other.

Together, Chihiro and Yamato are destined to shine.

They do, in the end. Oh yes, they do.


Feel free to drop an input or comment, guys. I'll be waiting^^.

yamato kobayashi, omake no kobayashi-kun, chihiro kobayashi

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