(no subject)

Sep 30, 2004 20:52

Haaaaaaah! So I had a crappy few hours and then I got a package... from Saffron! Aaaaaaahahaha I haven't stopped laughing for a while now. Ohmygod Saffron, you're the craziest person I know. Hah!

At first I didn't really know what anything was - then I unfolded the blue stuff and look! It's a prostitute tutu! Yaaaaaaaaaay! And then there was something red and round and I really don't know what that is yet... but it smells funny :p And then there was this plastic boy. I didn't really realise what it was at first - I really just thought Saffron might be silly enough to think "Oh! Look! A plastic boy! Dixie might like that!" and put it in the package. After trying on my tutu however, I decided that there must be something about the plastic boy that made him special. Sooo I see a yellow button, but no matter how I try to push it or turn it, nothing happened. Then I started pulling on everything I could think of - the green plastic he's standing on, his red hat, and I even tried twisting him around. And then, completely on accident, I pulled down his plastic pants and he PEED on my COMPUTER! Ohmygod I haven't laughed so much in a looong time, it was hilarious! Of course, I had to go show my sister, and then we made him pee all over the place and laughed for like 15 mintues straight.

My peeing plastic-boy is definitely getting a very special place on my shelf of crap :D

Thankyousomuch Saffron, that was a wonderful package!!! :D :D :D

prostitute tutu!!, random, heeh

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