(no subject)

Apr 26, 2004 18:04

So very tired.

So sick of Cell Biology. Have spent the last three days reading nothing but Cell Biology. My Cell biology final isn't untill May 6th. Bah. I've read like 1/8th of what I need to read for that one course. Damn this procrastinating!

I have, however, discovered a few very important things:

First, if I go to sleep no later than midnight, I can easily wake up at eight or nine the following morning, walk to school and sit and study for hours on end. Amazing.

Second, I was sitting in the library, reading Cell Biology (surprise!) and I suddenly realized -I do not dread that final anymore!- I suddenly had a "Hey! I can DO this!" feeling. This rarely happens. Usually, I am freaking out about finals for weeks without studying, then I study the night before, freak out even more, but nonetheless somehow manage to get a decent grade. I don't think I can get any better grades this semester... but if I keep being a good girl and actually STUDY, I might not have to get the bad, bad feeling I usually get during finals.

So, I'm tired, but very happy, too. And I'm PROUD of myself! Am being the good girl I always should be, for once, and doing my work.

The last three days have been dedicated to Cell Biology. The next three shall be spent studying Biometry. What fun. Final on Friday - cannot wait to finish that one! Although, those last three days have just been "warm up" days. I've been studying from around 10 in the morning untill 5 or 6 in the evening or so... I'll have to spend more time studying than that, though. I can only imagine how drained I will be tomorrow, if I follow through on my plan of studying from 9 to 8 (with a few pauses, of course).

I should go to sleep, but I just received more paperwork from Camp America. Gah. I still haven't finished the batch of paperwork they sent me last week. WHY so much paperwork? Crazy Americans.

Edited to say: I saw Kill Bill vol. 2 yesterday (when one is being responsible, one must also reward self, yes?) and it was wonderful. Also, I did not fail my histology final, since I did not receive an email from Mr. Histology Professor last week. Yay me! :D Don't know what I got yet, but hey, I passed :p (Was not expecting to flunk it... but I'm still happy!)

school, movies

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