(no subject)

May 01, 2005 14:31

Well, I'm still alive... but just barely. My internet cord broke a WEEK ago so that is a WEEK of no internet at home, as I have no time at all to run across town to purchase a new one. Also, it's kind of good because I have FINALS I should be studying for at all times. Had my practical Invertebrate Zoology one on Friday and it was awesome. I know far too much about invertebrates and it scares me. And the final was so FUN, when I came out I was jumping up and down singing "again, again! let's do it again!". I like knowing things.

Having no internet is not only good for my studying habits, it is also good for my messed-up sleep pattern! Although I did not appreciate waking up at 6:30 on Saturday morning, and because I am stubborn I refused to actually get up, and instead rolled around my bead for three hours. But because I am silly I spent all of last night (or until 5:30 this morning) watching season 1 episodes of the L word and (later) looking for my contacts. I did not find them.

Right now I am driving myself crazy with Developmental Biology. I honestly do not care one bit about it... give me my invertebrates any day! My favorite part of today has been reading this sentence in my professor's notes: "Fósturhrif er þorskaferli sem felur í sér að tiltekin frumumuhópur hefur áhrif á annan frumuhóp..." which translates as something like "Embryonic induction is a cod-process where a group of cellells affects another group of cells..." (The icelandic words for "cod" and "development" are kinda similar). I had a mad giggling fit and I think everyone in the computer lab thinks I'm crazy.

finals, computer, the l word, happiness, school

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