(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 02:46

Okay. I couldn't sleep, so after trying on my dirndl (it still fits!) I decided I *should* write Eurovision entries like last year.

Each year, a month or so before Eurovision, all the entries are introduced. This year, like last year, we have a fun little TV show with one person from all the (independent) nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway). It's in four parts, and in each part a few (around 10?) songs are played, and each "country" gets to rate it. I was bad this year, though, because I had already listened to all the songs online... and that is, in my opinion, almost as bad as opening up christmas presents on December 20th! I hardly remembered any of the songs, though.

1. Austria: Global.Kryner - Así. Okay, I have to begin by saying that I am 1/4 Austrian, and very proud of that (there's a reason I had a dirndl to try on in the first place!). So, usually, I root for the Austrians. Unless they do something absolutely horrible. They didn't this year, and I actually like this song a lot. I don't get why they have to sing in English and Spanish of all things, but whatever. The yodeling is kinda annoying, even to someone who grew up listening to tapes of yodeling people (and I'm not kidding). Also, I think that the girl who sings the song is sort of pretty, and anyone who wears a dirndl is cool in my book! I hope this song at least makes it to the finals.

2. Lithuania: Laura & The Lovers - Little by little. The dress she wears in the video? Hideous! And she can't really sing. And the song is pretty boring. It'd probably be okay if they had picked a better singer... but I'm not sure. I don't know... I don't really hate the song, but I definitely don't like it.

3. Portugal: 2B - Amar. SUCH an annoying song! It makes me want to scream. I don't even know *why* it's so annoying, it just is. And I can't bring myself to listen to it again to figure out why I find it annoying. Ugh.

4. Moldova: Zdob si Zdub - Boonika Bate Toba. There's always a song on Eurovision I can't decide if I love or hate. This is that song for 2005. I like the silliness, but I'm not such a fan of the actual music. It's not intolerable, though, which is an improvement from song #3. And the old woman with the drum rocks! I'd like to see this one getting to the finals, just for variety, but I don't want it to win.

5. Latvia: Walters & Kazha - The war is not over. Uh, can we say ca. 90's Backstreet Boys wannabe's? Aaaah this song kills me. On the one hand, I'm a sucker for bad cheesey songs, and this is one... but on the other hand... who actually LOOKS like that anymore? And who on earth wants to SOUND like that? Oh... cheesy boyband songs... I've had a love/hate relationship with them for the past 10 years or so... but I can honestly say that I hate this song. It's just bad.

6. Monaco: Lise Darly - Tout de moi. Lookie, here we have another one of my weaknesses! Monaco+Song in French+Female singer = *swoon*. And the girl's not bad looking, but not really my type... if she was, I'd for sure be rooting for this song. I don't care that it sounds pretty much like every other French female ballad, and I don't care that the dress the girl wore was hideous... I still like the song. But that's pretty much a given with any French ballad sung by a woman who's a half-decent singer... I can't help it.

7. Israel: Shiri Maimon - Hasheket Shenish'ar. I'm going to confuse this and the Monaco entry, I just know it. Both of the singers are blonde, and they both wear pretty dresses, and they're both the pretty-type of songs. I don't like this one as much as the Monaco entry, even though the song itself is better, probably because it's not in French. Told you I was a sucker for French. But only when it's sung.

8. Belarus: Angelica Agurbash - Love me tonight. Lots of pretty girls, huh? I don't particularly care for the song - as most of this years entries, I don't really have an opinion on it. It's a bad song, that's for sure, but it's not like I physically hurt when I listen to it (like I do when I listen to Portugal...). It sort of reminds me of Iceland's entry. And I like some of the weird clothing the dancers are wearing.

9. Netherlands: Glennis Grace - My impossible dream. What's with all the pretty girls wearing pretty dresses singing pretty songs this year? So sick of it. The song is boring. But I like the girls hair.

Is it just me, or are this year's entries kinda... crappy? Even more so than usual?


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