I <3 the Weenie Squad! fo' lyfe!! hahaha :P :D

Mar 20, 2006 21:43

hey everyone its been awhile since i posted. i feel like updating but dont have a lot of time so for now i will make a quick update:

* i came back from Mississippi- most amazing experience ever, and i took a lot of AMAZING pics and i mean, amazing doesnt even begin to cover it lol.

* on my way to school that following monday i got in a huge car accident. some girl who shall remain nameless rearended me and i was sent in an ambulance to the emergency room had xrays, a nurse yell at me, yada yada yada and ive been in pain since except this week its not soo bad. i had mild wiplash and a backache and all that fun stuff. i missed 3 days of school, bc i literally couldnt get up. i felt like i was paralyzed, it sucked so bad. so i didnt shower for 3 days bc i literally couldnt. loss of sleep and pain sucks and now im still tryin to make up the work i missed.

* school is going so far ok for the time being, some classes im doing better than the other but im doing pretty good. THRILLER (we had our first practice last wed) and it went great, the routine is amazing and the girls are really into it and excited about it.

* this wed is early release- THANK GOD!

* the 16th was mine and Pat's 2 month anniversary. we hung out the night before bc on our anniversary he had class. we went bowling, he taught me how to play pool, then we went to bugaboo's. then on our anniversary, i guess it was coming for a lil bit.. he broke up with me. im pretty heartbroken about it, but were still good friends... its kinda tough for me, but im doing ok for right now. he still feels for me and everything its just we had one issue we needed to work out... and i guess we couldnt bc of how i am but oh well... but i dont want anyone talking to him about it, it will only make me angry or upset, so please leave him alone and dont bother him about anything. idc who you are, if i consider you a good friend please respect my wishes, if you go against them, you will regret it, lets just put it that way. but i dont think i'll have to worry about that.. i hope we get back together someday. were still going to canada and WA together with our families and were still friends and stuff. and we are still gonna hang out and stuff but i do miss being able to call him mine. no other girl is gonna take my place i'll tell you that much. idk im so confuzed but not at the same time, i still care about him, i still feel the same about him, but w/e its nobodys business. but im just saying. he still has my heart, regardless. (haha shannon... REGARDLESS, lol.) anyways...

* also i would like to take this time to mention (sadly its only briefly) all the ppl who i love so much and who have been there for me recently when i needed them and how much i appreiciate them and what theyve done and idk what id do without them and i just want them to know they are such amazing friends and i couldnt ask for more, and im so happy i have them in my life and i love them to death and if they ever need anything im here for them in return.

my guard girls

and everyone else, if i forgot to put your name i am sorry!

also- tonight has been such an amazing day! heres why:
ok i had an ok day at school, then i came home, went to walmart, and had an interview, and got the job! im a cashier now! YAY! and then when i got home, i went with my sister, tony and elise to go bowling, and then we went to the olive garden, it was the best time of my life omg i love them soooo much! weenie squad for life! <333
so now i am verrrrrrry happy but ive got a ton of work to do and im stressed lol so i g2g for now and i will update again later! love you all, hope everyone is doing well!

ttyl, love Sheena! :D
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