You scored 70%! Ah, a senator! You are a member of the ruling class in Roman society. Using your exceptional Latin skills you debate policy and vote in the interests of the people on important matters of state. You are a powerful individual, and your words catch the ear of the upper-class as well as your peers in the senate. Like all senators, you are ambitious. Hence, being a mere senator is not enough for you...
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The Latin sayings Test written by
NurseTim on
OkCupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test I learned a few latin phrases when I studied law - useful things like ratio decidendi and caveat emtor - but considering I've never been taught any real Latin I think 70% isn't bad. I was quite pleased with myself when I understood a few lines of Latin and a smattering of Aramaic in the other PotC - it's very offputting that two films have the same abreviation, one about the Jesus and the other about sexy pirates.