Hokeyday. Hi few and random people who actually read this! (Hopefully I'm not doing the talking-to-myself-in-the-corner thing again. That's embarrassing.)
My knees being evil, and now I sound like an old fogey... or someone who is far more active than I tend to be. I may not be able to go horseback riding tomorrow or next Wednesday because of it, which is bumming me out. When one has the opportunity to ride, one should ride. See? Horsie!
Holy monkeyballs. Note to self: do not Image Google search 'horsie' again. yike.
In other news, I think I might've broken my toe. Somehow this cracks me up. And I think that I just made a pun. Not even a good pun.
Mom and I are moving. Which means we get to pack! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! e.e
Please consider : my mom was a librarian. The bookworm gene is apparently a dominant trait. I have packed over a dozen boxes of book. That's probably about 3/8 of a ton of books. And books come in funny shapes and sizes too. Which can make them a bit of a bitch to pack judiciously. I wub books.
I'm still missing Aussi friends. I keep forgetting to write a letter to a friend who is at camp. I'm going to have all of my wisdom teeth removed the week after we move. I occasionally contemplate dying my hair. Or part of my hair. I picspammed one of my friends beyond belief and it made me very happy because it meant that I spent hours upon hours of looking up the pictures. Psych is on tonight. I wanna go see Blkfrs, but now I'm randomly and inexplicably nervous about it (wtf?).
Am I really boring?