Jul 22, 2007 15:55
Unless you count the ish number of pages a spoiler. Right.
Finished Potter. In fact, I finished it 11 hours and 10 minutes after I got it. That's what? ...(I hate mental math)... 750(ish) pages in 670 minutes. ::blink:: My reading speed has bombed. We're talking 'Hunt for Red October, how long can you go before the pressure implodes you like a peanut in a car-crusher' bombed. That's a little less than a page and an eighth a minute.
Ok, so maybe I'm over-dramatizing the drop in my reading speed a leeeetle bit, but I was a faster reader in Middle School. And seriously, how was I supposed to resist using that metaphor? I ask you, how?
In Middle School, I'd have probably taken about 8 hours or so to read it. That's about a page and a half a minute, isn't it? Like I said, me math skills are about as steady as Sparrow on dry land.
And I now officially declare this "Bad Metaphor Week." Hit me with your worst!
Now, I'd love to spoiler away with people, but there are poor individuals that have not been able to finish DH due to work, or whatever reason... so... I have no idea what to do about that. But I sure wouldn't mind talking about the book with people that've finished it. Do you have any idea how hard it was to have a phone call from someone who was only to the part where... um... something had just happened that... upset her, and I couldn't go, "Oh yeah, well blah SPOILER OF DOOM blahbitty spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler blah spoiler doom blah!" Hard, I tell you. Mighty hard. But I have a feeling that if I did something of that sort I'd be going to the Special Hell. You know the one... the Hell reserved for people in particular need of horrible torment...like child molesters, people who talk at the theater, people who cancel acclaimed television shows in their first seasons... and those who give spoilers to the final book of Harry Potter.
I discovered a Classical Baroque radio station on iTunes. ^_^ heeeeeeeeee nifty.
Now I have about a week of fics to catch up on, not to mention what friends have posted. Silly Mom, not having internet at her house. ::le sigh::
Oh.... have I mentioned that I'm moving?
omg i'm special