Aug 20, 2008 17:17
Could be .......
My law firm has lost its biggest paying client (aka the car company that was paying my firm to do their discovery work for the legal suits) and the ironic part of this that they lost it to a rival firm that we do business with as well! That goes to show you that the way they treated the employees (not well) is the way they treated their clients - disorganized, lack of communication and no one knowing what the hell the other half was doing. It showed in the constant review of billing I did every month because stuff was not corrected from the month before and the client got tired of our constant screwups and staff turnover we've had since I joined said law firm :P
So ..I've been out on disability leave for the last two months and I found out by a co-worker's good-bye email to the team that this was happening. I also found out that some of the partners (the ones I worked for) were aware of this going down but of course never said a word to anyone (they never do) and only some of the team (the clerical staff that supports the 7 attorneys) was asked to go to the new firm to work on the new team.
Since I was not notified (and I'm still waiting on my firm's HR folks to get back with me) I'm assuming that I'm not going to the new firm (which is ok by me since the new office is located in downtown Los Angeles and there is NO way I'm making that god awful commute). I'm hoping that they will now just cut me loose and let me go since my attorneys are no longer with the firm and there really isn't any work for me to do now I'd like to just walk away with a nice severance package and collect unemployment until I find another job closer to home.
I will wait until they come to me before I go to the labor board :) I was unhappy there for some time due to the work loads and lack of assistance and of course there is all the stress that they put me through ..enough to have my doctor pull me off the job until they fixed it (which they had not even up until the firm was let go from the account) so there is no love loss here. The best I could get would be the pink slip and a good refernce (and a small severence package would be nice but I'm not counting on it).
Other than that ..I'm in round two of the knee injections. No relief that I can feel yet and the knees are hurting like hell and spasms more now than before the shots but I've got one more week of treatment and then I wait to see if it helped. I didn't know until this week that the shots were $300 each (and I'm doing both knees for three weeks). I had to get the ok from the insurance company before I could start the treatment. Its the synthetic gel (Euflexxa) that I'm getting injected into my knees to replace the lubricant that is missing (I'm bone to bone). Its better than surgery and I'm exploring all the other options first :P
Talk with you later. Have a good week.