Life goes on

Aug 14, 2008 06:19

Hotep everyone [henu]

Hanging out today. The weather has been in the mid 90's to low 100's here. I'm going to lay by the pool for a little while today. Since I pay an arm and leg for my 660sq ft box (aka my apartment) I might as well use what they charge me for :P I'm hanging out because I'm still sore from the injections into my knees (long story short - trying different methods to see if I can get the mobility back in my knees since the arthritis has reduced me to bone on bone). I'm on a new drug called "Euflexa" which is a snythetic gel that takes the place of the body's own 'gel' and gives the patient up to 1 year of relief. You have to go thru a series of three treatments (one in each knee per week for three weeks) and I've just started since the medicine had to be pre-ordered and did not arrive in time for me to do the treatment before I left for retreat so that's why I'm doing it now.

I took a short drive yesterday (an hour out) and sat in the middle of the 'quiet' desert. The temperature was about 108. I'm nuts I know but I love the hot dry weather. It was hot while I was in Chicago but accompanied by that awful humidity! Who likes to be dripping wet the minute you step outside? not me :P The dry heat is the best.

I had gone out to the desert to think about things and what the Gods had said to me this year regarding what I'm going to do with my life. I saw cindercones, lava flows and huge sand dunes! I was surprised a few times and took it as a good sign (both times). The first time I was driving off the dirt road leading from the Kelso Dunes (big sand dunes located in the heart of the Mohave Desert Preserve) and stopped to take a picture. When I looked down into the wash I noticed something odd ..and thought why would folks throw their grapefruits out here? It turned out to be 4 long strands of desert gourds! I had heard that they grow in the desert but had only seen it once before when I was friends in Las Cruces and we were out hiking and found a branch of them. The gourds were in different stages of decay but I pulled off the good ones (and took pics before and after) and threw them in the back of the car and brought them home. I want to do something special with them but not sure what.

The second time I was sitting at one of the rest areas admiring the lava flows (the lava flow came down through the valley and is actually all over the rest area) when I heard a voice in my head (male) tell me to take 4 of the little cinder pieces home. I was to use them for creating and building for this year and to set them up in the 4 corners of my apartment. I will do that later today after I do the rite. Some kind of good heka perhaps?

Anyway got to run. Hope you all have a good week.
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