Happy Wep Ronpet!

Aug 11, 2008 18:52

Happy Wep Ronpet (aka Happy New Year to the non-kemetic folks here)!

You are probably saying to yourself where the heck have I been?  Long story short -  Busy with the job and health stuff.  Its been forever since I posted.  This last year took its toll on a lot of people.  It was a Bawy year which meant that we had to get stuff in order and deal with things that had been put off or swept under the rug.  For myself I had a few that came back with a bang.  I will try to be more consistent this year since its supposed to be a good year for building and creating (per the Aset Oracle this year).

Been off work for a few months on disability.  I tried to work things out with them but they didn't want to listen so my doctor took me off on stress until they reshuffle some of my workload and get my desk caught up (no temp to do my work while I was out they just let it keep piling up and when I tried a two week part time session in June I walked into 6 weeks of work that didn't get done and they just kept piling it on top of the huge stack on my desk each day ...so I said nope ..not going to do it again as what you are asking is unreasonable) and I went off again full time for a few months so I can get my sanity back :P

So I've been destressing and looking for another job closer to home in the meantime.  With the price of gas and the long commute and the ongoing stress issue with the current job its just not cost effective anymore for me to keep driving to Newport Beach every day.  My commute is 70 miles each day without any side trips to the store or errands.  I think gas is down to like $4.05 here in Corona but that's still to damn high!

On a happier note I got to attend the House of Netjer retreat this year.  I missed it in 2007 and you really can't miss many of them when you've got your obligations (priest) so I made sure I got there for 2008.  It was a lot of fun and this had to be the biggest group we've had so far (or at least the 8 retreats I've attended).  Its always great to put names with a face and then I remember who they are after that.  Some of the folks that came are ones that I've been talking to for years on the internet but had not met in person.  This year there were 16 new folks that I had not met.  We all got along so well and each event was a big success.

We had workshops, meditations, rituals and one of the most kick ass thunder and lightening storms that I have ever seen!  It came of course on Set's birthday.  What a show.  I've not seen the likes of that ever.  It was worth the group of us dancing in the rain and lightening outside the hotel's front entrance that night (although we did get weird looks from the other guests and employees).  We also had one of the best raffle/auctions I think we've ever had.  Of course I have to say that I do give credit to the jackals for this success (it just turned out that way honest we didn't rig a thing [or did we?].  Thanks to my fellow jackals for a job well done.

I also received my elevation this year.  Its hard to believe I've been here this long.  The time has gone by but it has done so at a steady pace.  I've lost track of how many beginner groups I've worked with or how many folks I've counseled ..but I know that I've met some very special people along my way and I'm grateful every day that I'm with the House and have the opportunity to serve my parent, my community and my King.   This year I asked for help and got a new beloved.  She is the one that can heal what I need healed.

Gotta run for now.

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