Oct 04, 2008 19:48
Its been six weeks since my last confession ..oops.. .I mean posting ...
Still alive and kicking. Thought I should post an update since I don't call or write as often as I should or would like to .. I used to love getting on the computer at home after work but when you do it all day for a living ..I hate sitting at home waiting for my crappy dial up to load ..so I don't get on as much as I used to.
I'm in the middle of so many things right now ..... the old Yinepu site I had over on Homestead is gone ..and I'm trying to learn Dream Weaver 4 so I can rebuild it (better and stronger than it was ..oh ..wrong movie) over on Cedant. I have parked the new site name and won't give it away ..it hadn't been thought of before this and I think its going to be very nice when its all said and done. The new site will have much more content and I'll be doing my own research and fact finding but of course will give credit when its due (for pictures, work or other research as well as graphics).
On the home front ..looking for work ..still on disability but that will end now and I'll be on unemployment while I'm looking for work. Its been tough to find anything out in Riverside which sucks big time ..and I've jumped through all the hoops for Riverside County and the State ..but want to try for San Bernardino as well. Or ..perhaps I should say screw the legal field and go for property managment (I've done that in my past as well and it would be nice to find a small place that I could manage in return for free rent and/or small salary) or try getting into administrative or executive type work (personal assistant etc.).
My knees are still hurting and the shots have not worked that I can see yet. It can be weeks for the effects to take hold but having to go thru the series of very painful injections was not fun and having no relief isn't helping my stress level :P I will not be able to do anything for awhile until I'm employed FT again and have insurance ..but thankfully I got the dental work done that I put off for the last few years.
There are happy things to report though ...
For the folks out there in southern CA area ...there are a shitload of lectures coming up in the next few months on Maya if you are interested :) There is a FREE lecture on October 15, 2008 at 7p at the Beckman Center in Irvine. The speaker is none other than Michael Cole (Breaking the Maya Code). He is here along with a plethora of other very famous Maya scholars for that weekend's symposium (October 17, 2008). I was stunned to get an invitation to the private reception the Friday night before the lecture, The next day is open to the Public. If you go to the Saturday session the cost covers the breakfast, the lecture and material, the lunch ..and a fab dinner with the guest speaker from Yale. If you can go to this I'd really recommend it as I know there will be some authentic 'surprises' at this symposium. I will be working the registration that morning :)
I've met such a fantasic group of folks that call themselves the "New World Archeology Council". I'm a member of the Orange County group. They are so much fun ..and the folks and connections they have are amazing. I've been privilged to be able to attend functions and meet the archeologists and scholars in person and get to discuss one of my other favorite subjects.
Along with the local ARCE chapter here in Orange County my free time is full with attending lectures, exhibits and musuem openings (and most of them are absolutely FREE). I would very much like to sign up for a class at UCLA this next year if I can swing it (either a Archeology course or Middle Egygptian).
Since I'm not working full time yet and doing contract work I'm squeezing out a week to go see the kids up in Alaska. Yes ..I know I said I would never do it again in the winter but the circumstances are long and boring but suffice to say my family sucks when it comes to taking care of my kids or grandkids so I'm flying up to spend the time with my grandbabies while my daughter and son in law are in Hawaii for a week with Chandra's dad. It will be good for her to spend time with him and I'll enjoy the week with the boys by myself. Of course the other good thing ..is that they have one of the Nintendo Wii's!!! I only got to play it for a few hours the first time I saw it last year..this time Grandma is going to be playing all night after the boys go to bed :P I will be back in town on the 15th and then will have other company visiting from out of town :)
I'm not planning anything else for this year that I'm aware of but you never know what can happen ..its a new Year for us Kemetic folks :)
Hope all is well in cyberland for you all.