Angel was in an Accident..

Aug 14, 2007 08:51

Just got a phone call. From Angel. He flipped his truck last night-- didn't see a corner, and missed it. He says he's okay. The girl who was in the truck with him is not.

She broke both arms, one in two places. She had a gash on her forehead that took 15 stitches. Also, she broke a vertibrae in her neck. Right now they're waiting for the neurologist to tell them whether or not her spinal cord is okay. Her name is Joy. If you pray, pray for her. If you don't pray, and just want to wish for a speedy recovery, I'd ask that you do that.

He's really shaken up. He could hardly breathe when he called. They gave him a ticket for reckless driving, even though he says he was doing the speed limit. He says he just didn't know the road curved, like, there weren't signs or something. He says when they stopped moving, he jumped out of the truck and ran to get help, and it really hurts him that he just left her in the truck. I told him that, if she's got a neck injury, that's a good thing. He would have done more harm than good.

I don't know what else to say. I didn't know what else to say to him, either, other than, it's not your fault, and have you slept, have you eaten, did you call your mama. I don't know why he called me, but I hope I helped at least a little.

I'm sort of in disbelief, and I'm thinking about when I flipped L's car, and what that made me feel.
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