*bounce bounce*

Aug 13, 2007 12:59

So, last night, after listening to a church service on yielding to g-d, I decided that I should do just that. I mean, trust that g-d is gonna put me on the right path. Surrender, as it were. And I said, "g-d, other than the whole job thing, I'm a little worried about transitioning. I want to, but I don't know if that's what I'm supposed to do, since the path is so difficult. If starting T is the right idea, if I'm on the right track, I really need a sign. I know, you've probably given me a million of them, which have led me to this point, but I'm kinda slow, and the path is not an easy one. So, there you have it, g-d. I'm yielding. You make the decision on this one."

And this morning, I woke up to Dr. Jones' office calling, to see if I'd like to schedule an appointment. She said, "I know we told you we weren't taking any new patients until next year, but... I talked to the doctor, and she told me that we can fit you in. We don't like to turn trans patients away."

So, she took my information, and she's sending me all the paperwork that I need to fill out, so that I'm not sitting in a waiting room forever. And... I'm excited.

Mark your calendars. Shawn goes in for his first endo appointment on September 22nd, at 2:30pm.

*does a little dance*

gender, t

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