I'm not in lab...

May 28, 2006 09:36

Nope, I'm in lab. Bright and early on a Sunday morning...and Dr. Wiley mentioned having to tell me when to go home occasionally.

I've started working in lab this week, and it has been awesome. There hasn't been a whole lot to do yet because I'm settling in. This 5'end determination of THD2 is going to be a challenge - we're really hoping that the cRACE I just ran worked. When I ran the gels, I got one band around the size I wanted, so it's been cut out and extracted. As long as one works, we never have to do it again. Let's hope this is the one because it seems like this procedure doesn't work all the time. Paige, being the wonderful friend and fellow lab geek she is, joined me for a 16hour Tetrahymena mating on Friday, which went really well. My mutants have been less happy and rather uncooperative - one strain died over the week I was at home. Still working on getting another one to revive, which is proving to be rather difficult.

All in all, I'm loving being back in lab. It's much more relaxed in lab with only three of us at the moment. It will cut down to two in about 3 or 4 weeks, when one moves out to Michigan for grad school - which, I sadly look forward to (she leaves glassware, including broken glassware, in the sink often and forgets to turn off the microscope). Overall, it's much quieter, which is a nice change from the usual. It's really nice to be able to just spend all my time on research and not worry about classes and such, even though I'm supposed to start studying for the GREs. Meh...

Paige's family is amusing - I get teased mercilessly by Paige's father for just about anything. I've been told that being teased means he likes you, so when he asks "Was that a dying seagull?" after I've been practicing my concerto, it was good. The house is quite full, which makes meals fun. We managed to squeeze nine of us around dinner last night. I think there are eight of us living there right now: Paige, her parents, her brother, her grandparents, the visiting Brazilian student and me. Marcos, the Brazilian student working for Paige's mother, is very sweet and quite the pleasant surprise ^_^.

Oh, and Paige and I visited the Lina. So much fun. She gave us good news that she's been offered a couple job positions, which is wonderful. She's applied for a biological consultant position with a plant specialty - I really hope she gets it. We had good food, got more food at Ranch 99, and played lots of music at her place. Paige sang pretty music, and Lina dug up various musical music, including Phantom of the Opera. It was much fun, though I swear that composers are insane and like to write in keys like Db and B major. I fail to understand.
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