Blah blah blah.

Jun 10, 2005 23:19

Yada yada yada. Update or tired to fuckin care right now, so just read.

Welp, work is going okies. I actually enjoy where I work, despite some fuckin bitch harping on me. Though the Deli Manager supports me as well as 2 of the three store managers. So peachykeen there, isn't it? Also good to know that the said Deli Manager has kept her lovely word and getting me uber more hours. Heh..from 18 hours a week to 35+...nice, eh? Still not in the range of what I need, but's a step in the right direction.

On another note, finally been able to start saving and got the platinium debt card activated. Good deal there, much easier and have to be more careful with it. So go lifes lessons. *Waves flag round* Moving along.

Started using Adobe Photoshop CS. Makin planets, starfields, space scapes and coming right along, slowly but surely. Yay for me.


Now on the -other- side of the spectrum, a different matter. What you ask? Simple. For starters, the 5th came and gone, mucho depression there in mourning the day Adam passed away. Which will also be addressed more so on what made me feel better at the end of this entire posting.

Along those same lines, Grandmother went in for another surgery. This time on her left knee. Joy for pain. Give her the fuggin happy button back and let her enjoy the painkillers, eesh. Though the uber plus side is!..She survived as evident by her lovely pain fits...and sudden need to argue in a druh induced haze with the nurses.Joy. Moving along to other points of shittiness now, shall we? Yes, lets.

Health is dropping rapidly. My knee is getting worse to the point maximum of hours I can stand on it is 4 and half. Quite literally, I timed it on an eight hour shift at work. Not pleasent, ne? Yeop..and that's the tip of the iceberg! Next down along that lil ladder is my head..migraines and tension headaches, or even the dreaded tension migraines have returned, with reinforcements this time around. Nothing 2 vicoden, 3 migraine pills and 2 Ibeprofen won't cure, eh?...Cept make me lose utter concious in the span of 5 minutes. Another peg down is the chest, which has been acting up more and more. Sharper pains along the breastbone, as well over the heartish area. Not a really good flag that gets flown up there, now is it? Nupe...I pity the poor fucking doctor that gets stuck with my happy ass when my medical finally kicks in.

Lyli lost a close friend over in Iraq, I believe it was. Imma sorry huns. At least he's finally at peace and away from that god forsaken place. Iffen ya ever need to talk..ya know where to go. *Sage nod*


Now onto the nuetral areas. Which shall be a short, precise list. So please don't get miffed, ne?

1: Call from Amanda, which was good.

2: Sapphy, sweety. What did I tell you? Ya need to clear the days of calls! I worked that night, hun! If you called and I missed it..imma sorries ><...And iffen you weren't able to..well..worked out <.<..Cause yeh..working blows. So find a way online sometime an we'll try an set up talking days, ne?

3: Uncles out and back here. See me leap for joy at this.


NOW! For the uberness part as refered to being dealt with down here.

Ana did some things she didn't have to. She's the one whom wrote that "Snow Dusted Angel" story down below, if you all must know. Well, for the 5th and being the shitty day as it was, she had some art comissioned (And or drew some of it herself as well!) which, I ain't ashamed to say..brought me to tears. Simply beautiful artwork and such a painstaking task at getting it, thank you sweets! Luffs ya for it! <.<..An who woulda guessed Tau was an angel, hrm? xD

Ah well..there ya have it...shitty update. Blame it on being unable to sleep sence 4pm thursday even up until now and being couped up in a hospital with the heebeejeebee meter running at full tilt. Uncool. But it was for my hey...well worth it to see that she made it through another surgey (I fucking hope, at least. G'damn doctors and bloodclots.). Laters.


"Amidst of the eternal waves of time,
From a change of ripple shall the storm rise.
Out of abyss peer the eyes of a demon;
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath."
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