This way, then that way, up, down and all around.

Jul 05, 2005 23:49

It's amazing really, even now as I sit here in a nice vicoden induced haze on how many directions ones attention can be snapped to. If your wondering about this little update, by all means read below. If not, see ya next time then?

As I said, it is quite amazing. Even as I sit here, I think about all the directions my attention has to try and keep focused on. Of course as you may of already predicted, i'll be listing them here shortly and the like. I have come aware of one undeniable thing however - being in this sort of spot fucking blows. And now down to the listing we go...hiho...

The first one, needless to say is work. I'm being fucked over for hours and pay. I wouldn't mind so much if they just kept my hours above 25 or so, i'd prefer around 32 hours however. At least then i'd be able to save more money, other then barely being able to afford a single 35 cent soda for lunch on an eight hour day. But alas, not doing so. As such, this upcoming paycheck? 10 fucking hours. Total. Just ten. Nice to be working again, eh?

The second one, saving money. Very well this ties into the first area - rather hard to save money on just 10 fucking hours, eh? Yeop. Especially when grease from work ruins one of your white dress shirts that you HAVE to wear for work. It's fun, really. Between paying my grandparents, remotely trying to keep myself fed - i'm luck to save 5 friggin bucks now and then. Mind you, on the good weeks or so, I do manage to save over a hundred. But you can only stretch that so far with a solid month of shitty hours. Yay.

The third one, being the likes of my grandmother. She just had major knee surgery. Replacing it and all that - guess who gets to take care of her? You guessed it. Me. So now I get to not only take care of her, but fail at savings, loose oh so valuable sleep that i'm rather desprately need, but also get to go to work dead tired and in pain, only to be jipped for hours. Oh life is grand, isn't it?

Fourth area, my own health. Which as you all may or may not of already known, is declining rapidly. Cronic cluster migraines and tension heads, chest pains, knee pains, inability to gain weight and now adding a new pain along my right shoulderblade to the list. It's quite amazing at how I am still able to even remotely able to operate, let alone wake up every damn day huh? I pity the poor stupid assed doctor that gets stuck with me when my health care finally kicks in.

Fifth area, friends. Trying to help the ones that need it, talk to the ones whom need it and just being able to -see- the ones I want to That's a friggin maze and half to be going through. Starting to get to the point where I -can't- see them, because i'm dozing at the keys before work and busy taking care of my grandmother. Then when I -do- manage to get to see them, i'm to damn tired and drained to do little more then one word conversations and answers...not fun...really...not fun..

Sixth area, bills. Oh need I say anymore? I got room and board I have to pay, as well as smokes, sodas and now part of the cable bill. Oh, Cetanu - take me now. Please. At least then i'll be able to sleep! ha!...Not. Ten to one i'd be reincarnated within the first five fucking god damned minutes of dying. Would be my luck, eh?

Seventh area once again pretains to work. Now, mind you i'm not meaning to sound racist or anything, i'm far from it. But quite frankly, the fucking mexicans at work need to be shot. Quite seriously, they need to be shot in the worse fucking way. What is it? What? Why when a mexican woman gets power, it goes straight to her fucking head? Or they have to start SOME sort of work place drama shit that simply reminds me of being back in highschool? What is it? Not getting laid? PMSing constant? WHAT!? Now, mind you. I'm not dogging the entire race. Quite the oppisite, actually. I have know, worked with and damn well been friends with several Mexicans that work, are clean, look nice and damn well treat you with respect. Nono..i'm talking about the ones that when you stand next to, your suddenly reminded of a fucking dump. Or the ones that stare at you like your a fucking idiot when they say something to you in mexican. You all need to be fucking shot. Seriously. If that makes me sound like i'm dogging the entire race? Makes me sound like a racist? Fine. But so help me god, the next one that fucking does it to me - imma be goin to jail for a very...very...VERY long time for beating them to death with a fucking soup ladalle. On a side note however, the mexican customers I -do- deal with at work are very well mannered most of the time, that or they don't look at me like i'm a dipshit as they wait for one of the mexican workers to help them with their food. So moving on, regardless to how that area makes me look - it's how I feel. Don't like it? SUCK MY FUCKING LEFT GOD DAMN NUT YOU STUPID FUCKERS!

Eighth area is a fun one. Oh yes. Not. My stupid fucking uncle is pissing me off. He's 30 years old and still needs someone to hold his hand to take a god damn piss. Ya know what? To those whom simply can not function as a normal human being, fuck off. Your a plague to this society by the way you mooch off of others. Yes; I do know some can't help it due to handicaps or mental problems, severe mental problems - they are excluded from this area. They have either paid their dues or their condition isn't their fault. They are EXCLUDED. They do not deserve to looked down upon and so help me Cetanu - I will beat the person to death whomever does look down upon those people. Who I am talking about however, are the ones whom have working skills. Who have children. Who -can- work and make damn good money...yet mooch off of others. They all need to be lined up on their knees, put black little cases over their heads, then shot in the back of the skull executionary style. Why? Society would be much better off with out them. Don't believe me? Try living with em. And yes, those whom do not work, yet -help- out around the house or yard work, or help their family in general are also excluded. They are doing something productive, helpful and not sitting idly on their fucking ass doing nothing like my uncle. Those people are also excluded. Don't like it? Here's my right nut to be sucked on. Have a happy.

In many areas for me to keep an eye on at once...if I seem to be distant, lacking in conversation and overtly distracted and tired...I apologize...gimme sometime and i'll be able to correct it...


>.>.......*Latches onto the Ana* Luffles yous!! xD
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