I will give you your Dreams. I will give you your Desires.

Apr 30, 2005 02:49


THIS IS NOT A BITHC POST. No. This is not a bitch post. At all. Below, is written some things that may make a few people tear up. If at all. Most of all, it's about two very specific people. Yes. Two. And yes. Both of their names shall be stated. If you don't like it? Then by all means, please. Do not read.

...And here we go.

People often say things they don't mean. Or don't intend to mean. Yet, those whom have known me and very well known me for years upon years can say that it's not true with me. What I say, I mean. And it's honesty. I never sugar coat things for those whom I care for; you want something explain? Prepare for the worse, because usually it's worse then you expected. Yet even then, if I say something I so very well believe in, then I will fight to make it true.

And this is for that part of me. For these two very specific people, I will give you your Dreams. I will give you your desires. I promise this to both of you. With every fiber of my being and above that, every essence of my soul, I promise I shall do it for both of you. I will make the impossibly -possible- for both of you.


Dino. My long time amigo. I will rescue you. I will give you a situated place inwhich you won't have to struggle to pay on your own. I will aid you in bringing forth you glorious 'Depot' store of yours. From giving you a warm roof over your head, less stress and an over all "base of operations" to get you situated and make it to where you, yourself don't bare soul responsibility of your world. I will be there for you to fall back on, to help you up when you stumble and point you back in your direct heading if you ever waver or become lost from your path. This is my promise to you. I -will- make it possible for you to actually wake up with a smile and not dread going into the world by yourself.


Ana. Despite not even knowing you a full year, I care very much so about you. I can honestly say, I care about you just as much as I do about Dino, despite the short peroid of time we have known each other. I told you once, actions speak louder then words. More so in the world your in right now. However, I want you to listen to this carefully and take it all to heart. I promised you I would rescue you, just as I have done to Dino. And now as the plans become more into full swing, I shall how to say as you did: Enlighten you more about what I promise to you.

I promise to rescue you. To bring you to a true home. To give you what you so long for; a place in the world. I will bring you home. To a place where you are shown respect without a price on it. To bring you to a place where you can be yourself and never looked upon as a so called 'freak.' I will give you your dreams and desires of having friends whom just want to spend time with you, for YOU. And nothing else. To take you out for a 'night on the town' sorta speak and doing the things you enjoy, rather whatever everyone else wants. I will bring you home, to where you truely belong. To give you rightful respect and privacy that you should never have to fight for. But given so readily that I know for a fact it will take your breathe away and reduce you to a mute shock.


This. Is my promise to the both of you. I believe so much in this, that I will fight for it. I will work my hands raw to simply give it to you both. To the point I can honestly say, I would die for it. If it ment for both of your guys dreams and desires to be brought to reality and fullfilled. I would readily give every ounce of my life for it. It will take. Of course it will. But I don't wish for either of you to give up on Hope, nor to give up on me. I promised and so help me god, NOTHING will stand in my way of fullfilling this promise to either of you.


"A Hero knows no fear.
No boundaries they can't overcome.
For the Hero does not fight for themself,
rather those they cares for."
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