(no subject)

Oct 21, 2010 16:08

Meme stolen from elethoniel because what better way to distract from doing an actual entry? :D

[1] How old will you be in 3 birthdays?
27... Ew. That's far too close to 30 for my liking.

[2] Will you be married by then?
I don't know, Ms. Gillard, will I? Though I'm not even dating anyone so even if the political stance on gay marriage does a complete flip, I doubt it!

[3] Who was the last person you hugged?

[4] What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was fast asleep!

[5] What states have you been to?
South Australia (quite obviously), New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland (in that order).

[6] If you could be anywhere, where would it be?
Queensland. Oh gosh I love Queensland. Actually, it's a pretty nice day here today, so maybe just down at the beach. That's a bit more attainable.

[7] What was the last thing you drank?
Water.. stupid diet.

[8] What's your favourite ice cream?
Rainbow! (So gay.)

[9] Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Left, yo. Normally at least.

[10] Do you know how to play poker?
Some form of it, not well though.

[11] Ever stolen a street sign?

[12] Do you know how to drive a stick?
This question sounds dirty. I know it means "manual car", but still. And yes, but also, not very well.

[13] Do you wear any jewellery 24/7?
My earrings. And belly button piercing. I used to have so many more...

[15] Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
My year 7 graduation jumper still fits...

[16] What are you mad about right now?
Nothing at the moment! My nose is running, which is a bit annoying. But pretty happy in general!

[17] Are you a jealous person?
Depends... sometimes yes, sometimes no.

[18] What are you allergic to?
The sun. Stupid skin. Chocolate maybe? I don't have any definite allergies, just things my body doesn't seem to like.

[19] What did you do yesterday?
Woke up, got Cooper dressed, went to work, came home, Morry came over, put Cooper to bed, went to sleep. How thrilling!

[20] Do you enjoy travelling in airplanes?
I do! I like turbulence. I am weird. It's like a ride!

[21] What is your favourite band?
Band... band... I don't listen to many bands, it's more solo artists. Paramore, I would say.

[22] How many siblings do you have?
Just the one.

[23] Are your parents still together?
They never were, really. My mum is awesome all on her own. But I still have the best stepfather anyone could ask for.

[24] Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
Um... not too sure! -checks weather- 26C! Maybe shorts and a t-shirt.

[27] Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour?
It most certainly is not.

[29] Did you date someone last summer?
No, I got broken up with last summer. Almost summer. Whatever, it sucked!

[30] Is there someone you want to fight?

[31] Song playing right now?
David Garza's "Butterflies".

[32] Does anyone like you?
Not in romantic way, but in other ways sure. I am pretty sure Cooper worships the ground I walk on. So yes!

[33] What are you thinking about right now?
Cooper, since answering the previous question.

[34] What is your middle name?

[35] What were you doing an hour ago?
House cleaning shenanigans.

[37] Do you secretly love someone?
Nope! Much better that way.

[38] Where were you last Friday?
Work allll day, then home. Isn't that also thrilling?

[39] Do you wear the seatbelt in the car?
Of course.

[40] Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else?
Yeah I get called Jenny ALL the time. My co-worker is called Jenny and there are only two of us, and my aunty is called Jeni and apparently she and I are interchangeable among my family.

[41] Do you have any piercings?
Yah. Only 3. It used to be like, 12 or something.

[42] What's something you really want right now, be honest?
A PS3. Actually, just money would be good.

[43] Do you like to text or call more?
Text, yo.

[46] What is the weather like today?
Beeeautiful! 28C. Perfect.

[47] Where will you be in an hour?

[48] What's a fact about the last person you were on the phone with?
My mummy is awesome.

[49] Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
No. Actually, I turned it off the other day because I was sick and trying to sleep and it kept buzzing. But apart from that, not unless something freezes and I have to reset it.

[50] What do you want in your life right now?
Happiness. Which I have at the minute so... yay!

[51] What's your favourite Gatorade flavour?
Blue one.

[52] Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
All mine!

[54] Can you sleep in jeans?
I can but it's not pleasant. Unless I'm drunk. Then I could sleep in rocks.

[55] Where were you on July 4th, 2008?
2008 was a horrible, horrible year, and July was the worst month of that year. I'd rather not think about it to be honest!

[56] Who were you last in a car with besides family?
Emma most likely!

[57] Do you trust people easily?
Uhhmm... depends. I generally give trust out foolishly, but lately not so much.

[58] Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
Oh man, who was it even... it was probably a friend. Maybe?

[59] What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
SYDNEY THIS WEEKEND. Oh my, I am so much more than excited. Also Christmas! Life is good.

[60] Scared to fall in love?
Scared to fall out of love.
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