(no subject)

Jul 23, 2010 19:51

I think the reason I don't write in here much is that first of all, I forget. Secondly, my life tends to be one of two extremes - it's either incredibly boring and I have nothing to write, or by the time I've forgotten about it for a few weeks my life has become so convoluted and dramatic that it's way too much to write about.

So I'm gonna pretend the last few weeks haven't happened as far as LJ is concerned so I don't have to write about it and say hi! It's cold outside, but I'm warm because I'm sat in front of my heater.

And I'm looking forward to July 30, when the iPhone 4 is released in Australia (and hopefully Vodafone give me one).

lame excuses why i haven't posted, iphone 4

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