(no subject)

Jan 06, 2011 17:15

Hi LJ! I'm skipping the blah blah about technological abandonment issues and going straight into recapping my day, because my already poor memory is getting worse and worse and one day I may want to know what I did today.

I took my poor shattered iPhone 4 in to be repaired. On Monday I dropped it in Rundle Mall and the screen just smashed. The touchscreen still worked, but after I got a shard of glass lodged in my thumb on Tuesday night I decided it might be safer to suck it up and take it in. My insurance covered most of it, but if they have to give me a whole new phone it'll cost me either $175 or $250, depending if they give me a refurbished phone or a brand new one. Added bonus is that before I even dropped it, the phone wasn't making or recieving calls so two birds with one stone I suppose! It's going to take 4-6 weeks for me to get back though, so I am stuck with this riduclously ancient phone, a Vodafone 736. Yeah, Vodafone is the brand. They couldn't even rustle up something that an actual electronics manufacturer made! It will do, though.

I went to work after that, and while buying Subway for lunch a little girl of no more than 3 bounded up to me and said, "Excuse me, what's your name?" I told her and she immediately grabbed one of my hands and started dancing a circle around me while singing "Ring Around The Roses"... so cute.

Todya has been the second busiest day at work this week, we only have Dr. Ong here and he's seen 54 patients today. A "busy" day is normally about 35-40 so it was pretty intense. Busiest day was Tuesday, at a nice 67 patients! This is because we were closed for 10 days over Christmas last year, which never happens, and before that Dr. Ong had been away on holiday since 14 December. Now that we're back, he's the only one here so it's a tad bit hectic.

Tonight I have no plans... I moved house over Christmas, now living in Thebarton with Sarah and Jade, so my nights have mostly consisted of settling in and/or drinking. Good way to live, right?
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