Introducing your compere for this evening...

Jan 30, 2020 15:50

If you've stumbled across this journal via a comment in a community, or a friending meme, or my writing, please take a gander at this post to get to know me a little better. It's by no means comprehensive, but I've attempted to put together something that should give you a flavour of who I am, and my approach to life (with photos).

To start us off, the abiding, strange and wonderful connection I have with this beautiful Disney creation:

The Little Mermaid was the first film I saw at the cinema (I still remember it clearly), and has continued to be my favourite Disney princess. As such I think it will surprise no one that this is what I look like, though a touch redder now:

My name is Kimberley, and I live in England, though (despite the political climate) I identify strongly as European. As of November 2016 I am 32, though that number simply doesn't match how I feel or my outlook on life. I'm still not sure where my mid-20s went, though from 27-30 I was a mature student at Cambridge, reading History. Whilst there I managed to be lucky enough to sing in Robinson College Chapel Choir.

Music is a passion, and has been from a very young age. It will feature heavily in my journal in many different ways. Reminiscing, for inspiration, sharing favourite tracks, and music that I (try to) create. I play the cello and have done since I was seven, and am consistently attempting to teach myself to play the flute. I can bash out some punk on guitar, and I'm building a collection of wooden recorders. As for my music tastes, here's a small selection of the range of styles that I listen to:

image Click to view

Alongside music comes my love of words. I'm a writer (it took me a few years to feel worthy of the moniker, but even if I'm never published, it still doesn't make it any less true). I think it goes hand in hand with being an introvert - I can express myself in words more accurately than I can in unprepared speech - and through writing I get to explore and inhabit so many different people and situations. I used to write thousands of words a week, but university derailed that, and I've not got back to it in a way that I want to have, yet. But I will. The struggles with that will also more than likely take up a few posts here.

It doesn't stop at writing, though. I also read. Voraciously. I've started writing reviews this year in my journal for some books, and they're a nice way of rounding off the book once it's finished. I'm also constantly trying to learn new languages. I've started German and Swedish, I still have some French from school, and I'm hoping to tackle Dutch, Danish, a bit of Russian, and brush up some long-ago learnt Portuguese. (This makes me sound more amazing than I am. I promise.)

I'm also trying to improve as a photographer, and sometimes I draw. Art and art history is possibly where my work may take me. Both of these things will also probably feature in my journal.

If that all sounds frighteningly high-brow, I also love sci fi, and have an eclectic range of films/television shows that I love. I'm a great believer in never being ashamed of what you choose to watch, no matter if the consensus on it is that it's 'trash'. If it makes you happy, then it has a point. I love Marvel, I grew up watching The X Files and Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Buffy, Angel, Smallville, and Farscape. I love Scandinoir, and Supernatural, Sherlock and The Mentalist. Old films are a love, and Saboteur is my favourite Hitchcock. The list is far too long to add here, but one quirk I will mention is that I would always choose to watch films like Die Hard or Red over any rom-com. Any rom-com. Unless it has Doris Day in it.

Family is important. It's incredibly small, now, with only my mum, dad, and nan. I also have a partner who is German, and who I met at university. At the moment that means it's a long distance relationship, but we're managing it well, and 2017 is aiming to be the year when that changes.

How I use LiveJournal

Any reviews, or sharing of music will be unlocked. Personal posts will be locked, and writing will be half and half depending on content. I've always liked the way LiveJournal can be a more in depth process of meeting and getting to know people rather than Facebook - sometimes I can't cope with the immediacy of that medium - and I'd like to see if that can happen again, here. There may be political posts as that is also something that interests me. I am open to any viewpoint, and won't abide narrow-mindedness or bigotry. I'm a mix of serious and silly, and sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

If that all sounds good to you, please pop by this post and let me know you're friending me, just in case I miss a notification.

[This is a needed update on a previous Introductory Post, which was outdated.]

[this is me]: bibliophile, [this is me]: traveller, [this is me], [livejournal]: introductory post, [this is me]: fashion, [this is me]: writer, [this is me]: historian, [this is me]: theatre, [sharing], [this is me]: artist

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