Once a day maybe I can post...

Apr 12, 2022 10:49

Two years ago I wanted to post more here. Just for myself, or for the hope of others seeing I'm not sure. Then the world decided to implode and things have been horrific on many fronts. Should I even use this platform considering what is happening? That's a moral conundrum I'm not going near at the moment. But I like the familiarity of this place, and the fact I never bothered getting a DreamWidth account when any of my usernames were still available means I'm pretty much stuck here for now.

On top of that I'm writing again. I have a few cherished old friends popping their heads up again, and I want to use a lot of things to move forward again. So I think I'll try. Try to make new connections too, in different places that I've discovered a love of writing for.

We'll see if 2022 is better for that. And just in case it's not, I'll probably also try to salvage all of my entries and comments from here. Somehow. Just in case.

[writing]: type: {story}, [personal]: friends, [writing]: wip, [writing]: type: {slash}, [this is me]: writer

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