I've finally settled on a collective name for the co-workers who sit near me and with whom I'm friendly: the Army of Darkness. (My other option was the Mole People, but I think the Army of Darkness sounds a little more chaotic and one caffeine high away from unrestrained mayhem, much like us). I see them 40 hours a week (more often during peak periods), and for no apparent reason Jessica took the liberty of showing up in my dream last night. I was at church, but then got bored and went to go smoke in the stairwell at work, and Jess joined me, whereupon we talked about pie and I was telling her about coconut cream pie. (Except in my dream, "pie" didn't refer to real pie at all but a piecrust that had the shape of a soufflé, like a giant shell, that was then filled with filling.) So I mentioned this dream today, whereupon Jess was all MMMMMMMMMM PIE for the rest of the day.
And then towards the end of the day, this happened:
Rocksan: Are we getting pie?
l33: I don't know. Why?
Rocksan: You mentioned it when you sent me that update. [I have no memory of this, but let's be honest, I probably did. I send the proofers all kinds of stupid jokes along with their updates; I figure if they're going to be faced with a heinous stinkbomb of a revision, they may as well have a laugh with it. Also, it's part of my cunning ploy to get them to like me and do their updates.]
l33: Oh, yeah. I had this dream last night that Jessica and I were smoking in the stairwell and talking about pie.
Rocksan: So we should get pie. --Hey, wait, do you smoke in real life?
l33: Not anymore.
l33: Uh, we'll see.
So for all that is right and just in life, flist, I turn to you:
Poll Pie vs. the Army of Darkness Godspeed, and choose wisely.