It's Only Snowed Once And Already I'm Sick Of It

Jan 12, 2012 20:42

+ This morning, I called my boss to tell her I was going to be late to work because it was snowing and the standard Tri-State response to snow is THEY IZ FLAKES FALLING FROM THA SKAIZ, WUT DUZ I DO???. For people who yap about how they's bo'n and bred here, like that's something to be proud of, they seem to magically forget that OH HEY, IT USUALLY SNOWS DURING THE WINTER HERE. Jesus I hate Evansville so fucking much. Resuming to the main thread of our narrative here, my boss didn't get my voicemail until after she came in, because she too was made late.
+ I was going to do some overtime BUT SNOW TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME. Basically, it was still snowing when quitting time rolled around, and I am leery of driving in snow especially when it is dark and I can't see the snow I'm driving in. I did make it home safely, thanks to the grace of the gods alone.
+ Immortal snippets of dialogue:

l33: Rocksan. ROCKSAN. Why is it snowing again?
Rocksan: Because I prayed for it to snow all day! :D
l33: Well, I've been praying to be independently wealthy for most of my life and that still hasn't happened.

Rocksan: I feel like going outside and playing in it!
l33: I feel like killing you.
Rocksan: l33, that is not positive thinking.

l33: If I'm killed by an idiot driver, my unquiet ghost will haunt you in the night and stuff your mouth full of snow.
Rocksan: I'd like that. That would be awesome! :D
Melissa: Unless it's yellow snow.
Rocksan: Yeah, l33 might do it. She's kind of ornery that way.
l33: Ooh, that's good. I could scoop up the black stuff from the roadside after it's been driven in and stuff that in your mouth too. And write things in blood on your walls. But mainly tainted snow.

l33, in e-mail to Rocksan: This is what happens to people who a.) snow, and b.) whine for pie. I hope you've learnt an Important Lesson from this.
Rocksan: (out loud) Nope!
l33: Yeah, I didn't think so.

(As you may have gathered, all snow is caused by Rocksan. Report her.)

+ If you think the Army of Darkness deserves pie, or if you just have an irrational prejudice against the Army of Darkness and would like to keep them from getting pie, don't forget to vote!
+ I'm home, I'm safe, I'm warm, I'm comfortable, and that's what really matters.
+ ♥

rocksan, army of darkness, winter blunderland, life, melissa s, work

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