So I Guess I'd Better Write Something

Jan 07, 2012 22:54

I just haven't had a lot to report lately, to be honest, though I've been cooking most of this week (I did a rainbow vegetable stir-fry on Tuesday, and tonight I made turkey kielbasa with sweet cooked purple cabbage. Tomorrow, we dine on chicken enchiladas. (For those of you who might be interested, there's a food blog, though I'll continue to talk about things I cook here.)

Finally finished The Great Sea by David Abulafia. I will almost always buy history sight unseen, on the grounds that it's history and therefore must be good, but this was really interesting; it's a history of the Mediterranean and the cultural, politial, and economic interactions that took place around it. The ancient world stuff wasn't unfamiliar to me, though I admit Magna Graecia hasn't been my study, but a lot of the later chapters were eye-opening - I knew Russia really, really wanted a warm-water port (sometimes with disastrous results), but I didn't know there had been shenanigans as far south as the Mediterranean. Anyway, I'm glad I bought it and plan to mine the bibliography indefinitely.

Also, somebody stop me before I obsess again. The good news is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of source material in English.

Somehow, I managed to churn out a bit of story before I fell asleep last night. This is on The Project I Don't Like, Why Am I Writing It, but I figure if I plow ahead I could turn it into a project I like better.

And, you know, that's really it, other than the we've-stopped-the-overtime-for-now thing. (I'm not holding my breath, though!)

history, culinary adventures, books omg, writing, social networking h0!, work

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