Hello Everybody

Jan 12, 2011 18:08

1.) We're having computer trouble. The computer refused to turn back on after being unplugged on 31 December. (How ominous.) It was in the shop for a week, I picked it up on Monday, and it still refuses to turn back on despite claims that it worked just fine in the shop. Well, this is well and good but the computer does not live at the shop, it lives at our house, and I cannot get it to turn on there. We've established that this is not a powerstrip issue. I don't know if it's the cord that hooks the tower to the power source, but otherwise I don't know what the hell to do; we've called the shop several times and they're worse than useless. I then called them today on my break, meaning that I listened to the phone ring 18 times and was then on hold for ten minutes before I gave up and hung up the phone which was probably their diabolical plan. (Yes, these were the same people who fixed it in 2009. We gave them another chance. Their last.) I wound up renewing my PLAC (which I had wanted to do anyway, though not quite this soon) because having some sort of regular Internet access is important to me and we're not getting it at home obv. I don't know when I'll be BACK back, gaiz, so don't expect lengthy missives.

2.) Work proceeds apace. I can now generate invoices. Sort of.

3.) Cat is doing much better now that he's feeling better and is free of parasites (and the diarrhea that the anti-parasite medicine gave him). We finally settled on a name for him: Oliver (as in Twist). It occurred to me only belatedly that I had stolen the name of one of forgottensanity's kittens. Srry Cat, but it fit. He does have a good personality and likes to play with balls in the dining room, also has figured out that lolmom and I do not eat meat-flavored kibble and keeps making plays for our food.

4.) I just feel really tired and depressed a lot right now and most of my evenings are spent waiting for it to be bedtime. I'm trying to goose myself out of this but like anything else it is hard.

library, things that suck, technical difficulties plz stand by, cat, oliver, life, work

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