Good and Bad

Jan 19, 2011 17:31

Good things:

+ Still employed. I am elbow-deep in a project for my boss. Apparently legal descriptions are being ballsed-up. Also, due to having to keep secure information secure, I cannot share something that made me giggle.

+ I have insurance as of today. (I do not, however, have my dental and health cards yet.)

+ The Social Security deductions went down, so I get to keep more of my money. EAT THAT OLD PEOPLE.

+ I got my vacation pay from Lol-Mart. I am tempted to immediately run right out and spend it all on an iPod, but figure I will instead put it in my savings account. Because I'm, like, a responsible adult or some shit.

...I really want that iPod.

+ We've been having real food for dinner. There was coq au vin, which was repurposed the other night into chicken and croutes; and there's ham and beans; and I made a veggie tamale pie which we froze and will have sometime. I need to swing by the store and grab some coconut milk so we can make soup with the rest of that pepper, and cabbage rolls are slated for later this week.

+ Lolmom's plant hired additional help, and eventually lolmom will work from 8 in the evening to 5 in the morning and we can have dinner together. HOORAY.

+ My therapist thinks I'll be ready to move on after another couple-three sessions.

+ Nobody seems terribly put out by my absence. I'm actually not minding it much myself, aside from the relative isolation.

Bad things:
+ The computer still does not turn on.

+ My body apparently decided to not even try to digest the spinach in my delicious sandwich. Seriously, system? Seriously?

+ I'm having a moral dilemma, but it's not something I want to share here and it's probably not serious business.

Yeah. All things considered, things are okay.

culinary adventures, lolmom, stupid body, cryptic, life, work

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