Surprises Of All Kinds

Dec 29, 2010 19:37

dethorats, I got your package! We've been enjoying the delicious goodies, and Alan Moore is always a pleasant surprise (though you may have given that one to me already; I'm not sure. HELP I'VE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHICH BOOKS SHE HAS). Thank you! ♥

So the kitten had a vet's appointment this morning.

First of all, X-chan and I were mistaken in our initial hypothesis, and this also rather neatly explains why we couldn't settle on a name that seemed to fit the kitten. (The vet's office put us down for a checkup for NEW KITTY.) I've been referring to the kitten as "she" and "her"--turns out, HE is a male whose testicles hadn't descended, which is why X-chan thought he was female. (And now they never will, because he either got fixed today or will get fixed tomorrow.) We still haven't settled on a name, though I'm leaning towards Raisuli (after Sean Connery's character in The Wind and the Lion; Mom thought it would be funny to have two cats and call one Mrs Perdicaris and the other Raisuli, since in the movie Sean Connery tells Candice Bergen, "Mrs Perdicaris, you are a great deal of trouble!" Also, TR's famous line, "Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!").

The kitten's tail will need to come off pretty close to his ass; the vet said that it was completely dead, and the wound actually hadn't healed as fully as X-chan thought, because it had become infected and pus was involved. (Which also explains why the kitten didn't smell very good.) Since he's been out, or is going to be out, to be neutered, they'll just take care of that at the same time. (Your own tasteless joke about Insta-Manx goes here.) He has an upper respiratory infection (thus the nasal and ocular matter that keeps oozing out of his various orifices) and fleas. Antibiotics ought to take care of that, though he'll be pumped full of them, poor little thing.

The bright spots in all of this are that a.) he's going to be okay and b.) he doesn't have FeLV, which would have rendered all of the above totally unnecessary. (And he's getting his vaccinations, too, so now he'll never get FeLV.)

One of my Christmas presents from the lolmom was a membership in the Orange Mug Club, which supports public radio and the very funny news show Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me, and which also entitles members to free coffee at some of the locally owned coffee shops for a year. One of these shops is on Main Street in Evansville, just a few blocks from the RMUTA building, and I was very excited about COFFEE. Unfortunately, it's only open from 7-4. (For downtown Evansville, this actually makes perfect sense, and I don't blame them at all. Despite what Evansville would like you to believe, it does NOT have a thriving and vibrant downtown; downtown is largely a business district and is pretty much dead before 8 a.m., after 5 p.m., and on the weekends.) I'll have to start getting up early a couple of mornings a week. :D

Uh, that's pretty much it for me, I think. How are you guys?

coffee, lolmom, little tuxedo cat, price, mindless acquisition, evansville, life

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