dethorats, I got your package! We've been enjoying the delicious goodies, and Alan Moore is always a pleasant surprise (though you may have given that one to me already; I'm not sure. HELP I'VE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHICH BOOKS SHE HAS). Thank you! ♥
So the kitten had a vet's appointment this morning.
Our Kitten Is Damaged Goods )
The kittens of the night, what beautiful music they make! XD Our poor kitten can't even meow; he opens his mouth adorably but nothing comes out. We hope this facility will be restored to him (also, being able to play; he hasn't been playing a whole lot, probably because he feels bad). At least he hasn't been abused by people (that we know of; we think the tail was probably an accident or an altercation with another animal); he certainly doesn't act like it, and he has no shame about exposing his tummy for a rub.
Hee, I was just writing to X-chan to let her know how things were going and to warn her to check the SpastiCat in case she passed kitten fleas to her, and I mentioned that he's going to have to wear a cone after his surgery to stop him pulling stitches out of his butt. I said, "[This] will be interesting and probably hilarious." I wish he didn't have to have his tail off, but you know how cats kind of short-circuit when presented with new situations? Yeah.
He'll be cute no matter what--he's a kitten! We intend to give him the longest, happiest life we can; he has a loving family to look after him now. He seems to have warmed to me; he likes to follow me around, though he hasn't cottoned on to feet and being underfoot yet and thus doesn't know that this is how little cats can be accidentally stepped on or kicked.
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