dethorats, I got your package! We've been enjoying the delicious goodies, and Alan Moore is always a pleasant surprise (though you may have given that one to me already; I'm not sure. HELP I'VE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHICH BOOKS SHE HAS). Thank you! ♥
So the kitten had a vet's appointment this morning.
Our Kitten Is Damaged Goods )
Comments 7
Free coffee ftw! I catch Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me on NPR once in a while and it's always so much fun. :)
Sounds like you're having a great holiday. :D
Free coffee RULES ALL. :D We play NPR all morning on Sunday, and now I have Sundays off indefinitely and can enjoy it properly.
It's a working holiday for me, but I'm not complaining at all; I'd far rather do RMUTA busywork than Lol-Mart busywork. Also, they let me wear my own clothes! :D
I hope all goes well with the vet appointment, and that he fits in well with your family and has a long, happy life. ♥
The day I get a boy and a girl cat, they WILL be named Samanosuke and Kaede.
My cousin had a cat (female named Garfield) who's tail was cut off by some sadistic asshole.
But what will Osiris think?
Oh, poor Garfield. People are bastards.
When I get both cats, Osiris will be.. will be.. BUT I SURE HOPE NOT!!
She was a kitten when that happened.
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