Oct 22, 2009 15:17

We now have the honor of having home Int0rbuttz. In fact, the tech came out and got us hooked up a few days ago (there was a line problem, so they had to dispatch someone), but I was having such a great time watching all the YouTube I previously hadn't been able to view on dial-up and also downloading the hell out of Photoshop brushes and other responsible pursuits that I thoughtlessly didn't mention my return.

Also, I was trying to avoid pixelation. Well, not really, but my contractual obligations require me to pick on Pixel at least once a week.

My job, I do not want to go to it. (Do I have a CHOICE? No.) Moreover, my two days off (yesterday and Tuesday) were completely ruined by goddamn allergies. I am all for plants, but I wish they could pollinate in a way that causes less nasal anguish to me personally.

I think that's all.

stupid allergies, back now, bekki, int0rbuttz, work

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