Oct 20, 2009 18:19

Still no home Internet. Long, ordealy story here, but basically, we had to order a part (TWICE) and now there seems to be some kind of line issue so hopefully the tech will be out tonight to fix it and I can make the next post at my leisure from my home and do things like shop for underwear at 2 a.m. if I feel like it. Due to no Internet, nobody has received any e-mail (nor, probably, will s/he, since I haven't got time at the moment).

I have some Photoshopped crap, since I've been shooping like crazy, but of course I have no way to get it to the intended recipients.

I am reasonably sure that at this point H is wondering what has become of me and/or has run off with a mandolin player from the Philippines. I don't fault him. In fact, I'll drop him a few lines.

You may now resume your regular schedule.

sorry, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, i'm not really here, h, life

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