Moar Fun And Games

Sep 28, 2009 12:46

Thanks to everyone who posted condolences; I'm in the process of replying individually, though I don't promise that there's any creativity there. I mean, what else can you say besides "Thanks for caring"?

Joy and I went out for lunch on Saturday--I kind of needed to talk to someone who had been through it too, and also I wanted to flog off the opened litter and food on her. (I'm probably going to donate the unopened food and litter; I'm told it will keep for quite a while.) Afterwards, I went to the free zoo PetSmart, only to find that the local Humane Societies were having their adopt-a-thons out front. The Posey Co. Humane Society, which was Callice's shelter of origin, was there, and I chatted briefly with the volunteers; they let me hold one of their cat therapists, who was very amenable to being held and handled and petted, and was also very interested in licking my fingers. (I'd had a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch, and most of his efforts were invested in trying to get that sandwich. Unfortunately, I had eaten it.) Looked at the contents of PetSmart; fish and crabs are cool, but decidedly lacking in the pettability department.

The computer is still in the shop. 4 srs. We're ringing them up tomorrow if we don't hear back by the end of the day. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT. WE HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR NEW COMPUTER. I would like to write e-mails to H that aren't five lines long and don't say things like "I'll write a proper reply when I get my computer back."

I have worked for six days straight (I haven't gone in to work today, but am scheduled to do so), have let chores and other things fall by the wayside since I've had a sick cat for the past couple of weeks, and am very much looking forward for my day off tomorrow.

♥ Back later, as ever.

h, thanks, joy, life, callice, computer issues, work

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