Oct 23, 2009 02:38

My shift ended at 10, at which point I needed a beer. I was that wiped out after work. I really should be in bed, as I have to cart the lolmom to the rent-a-car place. (She has a job interview in the-part-of-Kentucky-that-is-near-Cincinnati, and her own car has been misbehaving lately, so she wants to be sure she can get there.) I am not, because hey, YouTube!

Also: uigenna, J00 N33DZ 2 GET ON TEH AIM. I have a scathingly brilliant idea and you are TEH ONLY 1 who could possibly appreciate it. >DDDD Not to mention do justice to it. 8D; WE SHALL SPEAK MORE ANON I HOPE. 3ndl355 r44v!

raien, lolmom, life, strong-arming raien into doing things, work, rp

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