In honor of it being summer, and because I was getting a little tired of the Stupid Idea Squids, I have changed my layout to delicious, refreshing mint chocolate chip. Enjoy some today! :D
Also, there has been a sudden explosion in the flist and friend-of list (some of which I saw coming, and some of which I didn't). I am popular now, apparently. I am not entirely sure how this happened, but okay.
My Memorial Day weekend was almost totally awesome.
jadecat will be pleased to know that on Tuesday I succumbed to the Curse of the Jade Cat and had Coldstone. Also, there was lunch at the Fish; also also, we had a guest speaker at PGS that night, which was pretty groovy. It's nice to know that Reconstructionism is still alive and well.
On Wednesday, things started to go downhill.
By Thursday, they were really downhill on account of allergies to pollen, popping DayQuil, pounding headache, sinus pressure, &c. &c. ad nauseam WHEN THE HELL DOES MY SHIFT END. I was very grateful to be let out a couple of hours earlier than I'd expected. The humorless QC troglodytes can eat my shorts. I'm not going to pretend my job is anything more than a stopgap measure, or anything other than risible.
In peripherally related news:
1.) I had an interview yesterday. The job as described in the paper is not my first choice, and I'm frankly not sure if I could accept it if made an offer, but everybody seemed nice and that was an encouraging sign.
2.) One of the guys at work mentioned to me that St. Mary's is hiring; I said I'd put in an application in March but had yet to hear back from them, and he said, "Keep trying." The lolmom mentioned that they're so ridiculously behind that it can take forever.
3.) Whatever happens, something will work out for me soon.
(In fairness, Stopgap Job isn't that bad; it's just boring, entails no discernible point, our hours are getting cut, and it's not a good longterm fit. I knew that going in. Since having my next act lined up by the end of the month isn't going to pan out, with any luck, I'll have my next act lined up by my birthday.)
New stuff:
It was actually
vnmpire's birthday on Mon., and I might have thoughtfully remembered the occasion if I hadn't been falling asleep at the computer. Ha, I'm such a great LJ friend. Or, y'know, not.
I just finished In Pharaoh's Army by Tobias Wolff, which is good, but which also made me a bit sad because our copy of the book had belonged to my father. (I haven't been able to locate his copy of This Boy's Life, and think he may have taken it with him, but I don't know. It's possible that it got moved to a different shelf and I just haven't caught up with it yet.) Wolff's work was, at one time, very significant to us and still carries those associations for me.
It's pushing the '80s and '90s here in the rolling hills of scenic southern Indiana. Soon, I can has A/C if I can manage to stick it out another 23 days until my birthday.
Have discovered that we still have the ice cream maker! HURRAH. (The lolmom made noises about putting it up in the last garage sale she had.) There will be many ice creams this summer. I shall perfect the frosty art of making them. Besides, it's as good a way as any to use up some of the remaining strawberries.