
Apr 05, 2008 15:46

This first is peripherally inspired by tiye, though I have my own journal for the fappity-fap.

Y'know, it really shits me when people comment on how much X-chan and I look alike. We used to get this all the time when we were growing up, especially if we lived in the same place long enough for us both to cycle through the same schools. (Not very often, if memory serves; X-chan's first middle school was my only middle school, and her first high school was on the campus of my second one.)

I realize most of you have never seen X-chan, and that those of you who have met her haven't seen her in several years. That said:

1.) Of course X-chan and I bear some kind of family resemblance. Why wouldn't we? We're sisters. (We're full sisters, at that; we drew on exactly the same pool of poor genetic material. :D) There's a lot of DUHHHH in the world, but I don't know if there's enough to sum this up.

2.) Uh, we really don't look very much alike. X-chan has grown up to be taller than I am because I drink coffee, which stunts your growth, and her height is mostly in her legs, whereas mine is in my torso. She's also thinner than I, and unlike me, she's inherited the chestmelons of d00m, which I am heartily thankful to have escaped. Coloring-wise, X-chan favors our father's people; she was blonde as a kid, though her hair now is a medium brown, and she can tan. Her eyes are a bit greyer (or maybe bluer?) than mine, and she has Mom's Roman nose. I look exactly like my father, if he had Mom's coloring (very white skin, very dark hair); both my parents are green-eyed, so I couldn't tell you who I got that from. (The myopia, like the depression, was a gift from my father.)

Other stuff:

+ We finally caved earlier this week and went to the grocery store. The lolmom, looking for the one multivitamin that would Save Her Soul, was annoyed because I kept giggling at the Male Enhancement Supplements. You would too if you'd seen the hokey names. And the packaging.
+ I made a Reuben loaf for dinner last night, after an earlier false start involving canned corned beef. (Backstory: We wanted to make Reuben loaf, but didn't have enough corned beef left from the St. Paddy's Day brisket, so I said I'd pick some up when I went to the store. Well, I got to the store and couldn't find sliced corned beef which was what I wanted, and so I picked up the CANNED SHIT, despite deep misgivings, these being, "How are we going to use up the rest of the can?" and "l33 don't eat no stank-ass pretendy meat what came out of no can." Later, on the phone with X-chan, she said, "AAARGH! Don't do it! Use pastrami!", which I hadn't thought of. We wound up returning the can.)
+ I think tonight we're having tacos for dinner, with slaw and Mexican rice on the side. Mmmm, tacos. These ought to be good, even if they're meatless. Also, I made Irish soda bread for brunch this morning. :D
+ We branched out and bought a new kind of cat food for Callice, largely because it was cheaper than what we usually buy her. The picture on the cover appears to imply that it causes hallucinations of cows, chicken, cheese, etc. If she likes it, we'll keep buying it; if she doesn't, tough shit, because we're not buying any more until she eats it.
+ I had a couple of interviews this week, neither one in Bloomington; one was at a telemarketing place, which I could tolerate on a part-time basis but probably not full-time. Unfortunately, their afternoon shifts all start at 4 p.m. and I can't get there by 4 p.m. unless I've finished at my day job, which is not something I can predict in advance. The other was much more palatable in terms of work but offers no benefits and so cannot be accepted even if they do make me an offer, which I doubt.
+ I haven't had a lot of motivation lately to post or be around much on LJ at all, but I have given some thought to the aforementioned speshful filter, and decided that I have enough filters as is and don't need to further confuse myself. Also, it's my journal and I reserve the right to bore my readership senseless. I may edit and refine and filter over time, but right now, I just feel like I don't want to filter it--like I need it public in some way. In any case, it'll all be behind an LJ-cut, so it's not like you're going to be made to read anything if you don't want to. (Also, since this just occurred to me: I know some of you have past/continuing eating disorder/weight/food issues, and I am planning to talk somewhat about weight and food. If you think you'd really rather not read about that stuff, say something. If you don't say something, however, be aware that my policy is that you are responsible for your own triggers and your own actions.) There may be some work-related wangst off the starboard bow in the near future.
+ ♥

culinary adventures, cat, x-chan, filters, megaera, job hunt '08, family, life

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