Things and Stuff

Apr 16, 2008 02:02

1.) First and foremost, a happy belated birthday to tiye!

2.) It was raining on Sunday, when the buses don't run, and so I played taxi driver and ferried three people home from work. I should not get a cookie for this. I mean, hell, I had a car, it was cold and rainy, and I wouldn't want to be left stranded if someone was willing and able to drive me; it was the decent thing to do. Over the course of the drive, Other Ashley (so called to distinguish her from momo) asked if I wanted to come out with her and some of the others at work on Friday night. (She didn't know yet where we were going, but "out" in Evansville tends to be the bar-and-club scene, which is totally not my comfort level at all. Still, it's not like it's going to kill me to tag along for an hour or two just to be sociable.)

3.) On the premise that I've been putting my life on hold in my never-ending attempt to get back to Bloomington, I joined the Pagan study group in Evansville (sponsored by our swell pals at the UU church). It's not the barrelful of chaotic fun that was Earth Religions, but I think I'll enjoy it. Also: there is a Pagan store in Evansville! Ttly.

4.) I've been having really weird dreams lately.

5.) I made brownies tonight. Typically, I'm not a big fan of chocolate, but for God knows what reason I developed a yen for brownies, so I whipped out Mom's disintegrating spiral-bound notebook and had at it.

6.) 2MORO I DYNE WHER3VAR IZ REZONABLY PRISED IN BL00MENGTUN (not the Bakehouse; I love the Bakehouse, but I'm getting kind of sick of it because I tend to gravitate there all the time. I'll stop in and buy m0mmy a loaf of bread, but that's it). Tuesday and Wednesday are my days off, so I'm going up to apply for a job. Yes, I arguably can't afford the gas, but if I don't go apply for the job, the answer is still going to be No, and anyway I haven't been home in a month.

7.) We’ve had a cold snap; it's not that cold in the house (50 or so), but for whatever reason my feet are like ice and my skin is incredibly dry. (Shea butter is my one love. Seriously. It's the only thing that works.) Callice is cold, despite her fur coat, and wants snuggles and blankets and to curl up in the mitten box all the time. She was Not Happy when I imprisoned her in the bathroom, which had cold tile and not a cozy blanket, so that I could go to PGS without fear of the Yellow Peril all over the living room.

8.) I just finished Paradise of Cities by John Julius Norwich, and now I’m convinced that I really do want his Byzantine history. Incidentally, he quotes a letter from John Ruskin, who refers to his little sea-horses being a disappointment (which suggests to me that something was wrong with Ruskin, because seahorses never disappoint). So, duokinneas, dear, would you please curl your tail around a stick, just once, for your old seme?

9.) I've been slacking on the n0v3l front lately, after a burst of productivity. I think one of the problems with trying to write t3h n0v3l, for me, is that Salki is quiet and gentle, and it's hard for me to really get into that mindspace and think about what such a person would, realistically, do (especially given that there are a lot of societal restrictions on him, in terms of his gender and social role). It would be a lot easier for me to write the whole thing from Teigu's viewpoint, but the thing is, it's not Teigu's story. In a sense, the later story won't work if Teigu is the protagonist, because she would be much more likely to reject the process of acculturation out of hand (and will so reject it); Salki is much more concerned with pleasing people than Teigu is, and makes choices that he might otherwise not have made because being liked/loved/approved of/thought well of is a bigger motivator for him. Never one to make it easier on myself, I now have to represent the process of acculturation in an accurate light and also be true to a character completely outside my comfort zone in terms of who I like to write about. That little faggot.

culinary adventures, birthdays, other ashley, writing, t3h n0v3l omg, books omg, bloomington, dreams, work, cat, weather, omg talyn, job hunt ’08, pgs, megaera, paganism, ashley

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