A happy if mildly belated birthday to
momo (time marches on, and in its inexorable wake brings teh Ashmee one year closer to the grave, and all that). Also, while I'm doing happy-birthday catching up, a happy 25 1/26 birthday to
angeljuggalette, because I was going to say something, oh, I don't know, TWO WEEKS AGO WHEN SHE ACTUALLY TURNED 25 and then I forgot despite my note to myself. ME 4 WIN!!!111
We had a lovely Easter, replete with tradition: hot cross buns, eggs (complete with the Army green Easter egg), lamb with rosemary and garlic, potato loaf!!!, green beans, and rolls, also poppy seed cake. Also The Ten Commandments was on TV, though I missed the first half hour (go figure. I watch television twice a year and I miss part of one of these occasions). Then, of course, I had to go back to work yesterday, and that really took the wind out of my sails. My job is sapping my goddamn will to live, I swear.
Also, everything that could possibly have gone wrong in the past couple of weeks HAS gone wrong.
In unrelated news: I think I am indeed going to establish the aforementioned speshful filter for frank discussion of wangst and perpetuating the damaging stereotype that I should be allowed to keep breathing air that someone who deserves it can't have. It will not be an opt-in filter, because inclusion is based largely on how comfortable I feel having you there. It will, however, be an opt-out filter, so if you don't want to endure my primordial wangst and think I might be putting you on that filter, say so. No opprobrium will attach to you, and the generations to come will not curse your name.