Glimpse of Truth (23/?) Not So Clever

Aug 24, 2010 22:28

Title: Glimpse of Truth (23/?) Not So Clever
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: All ages
Genre: Gen
Summary: The Doctor gets clever and takes Rose back to Earth.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Thanks: to momdaegmorgan for the beta.
A/N: Ugh. Sorry this is so very, very late. I'm a little lost on it while working on Smallville stuff.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (all ages version). Chapter 4 (adult version), Chapter 5,
Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13,
Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21,
Chapter 22

"I am clever. So very clever. Rose, have I ever told you how clever I am?" He glanced back at her, lifting his eyebrows. "Because I am. Very, very clever."

She chuckled and got to her feet, joining him at the console. "You know, I do believe you've mentioned it here and there. So, Doctor, just how clever are you?"

Sliding the stabilizers down and then softly pushing the back-up gyro thrusters, he grinned at Rose. It was good to have her back like this, like they used to be; traveling the Universe, teasing and smiling, excited at each next adventure. "I am so," he spun the time dial, "very," perfected the date, "very," he grabbed the mallet and whacked the thrusters for good measure, "extremely clever!" Stopping for a moment, he grabbed Rose, and held tight, wrapping her up in his arms.

He pressed a kiss to her lips before slamming his hand down over the materializer button.

The TARDIS began to shake and rumble.

"Doctor," Rose shouted over the noise, clutching him back just as tightly, "you're gonna--"

"Shh," he murmured in her ear. "I'm being clever."

Smacking him on the back, she braced herself against him, holding on for dear life as the TARDIS shook and shimmied and danced that beautiful dance that he loved to participate in.

And then she went still.

Anticipation rushed into him and he grinned, bouncing in place before drawing her toward the doors. "Prepare to ooo and aww at my brilliance, Rose," he told her, throwing the doors open. "Too clever by half!"

Rose gave him a bemused look, then stepped outside.

He resisted the urge to jostle her in his enthusiasm and just watched her take in the familiar mansion. The familiar sky with familiar zeppelins. And the familiar tang in the air that was so different from their own Universe.

"You bastard!"

Blinking at Rose, the Doctor jerked out of her reach, expecting another, harder smack. And getting one. She hit his shoulder and shoved him back. "Oi, ow! What! I thought-- I mean, Jackie. Thought you'd wanna see her. Want her to see--"

She smacked him again, harder this time. "You're not leaving me here." There were tears in her eyes he saw now and realization slapped his manly jaw.

"No!" Of course, he could see how she'd think that. See very clearly how she could think that. He was very dumb. "Not so clever after all." Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tight, kissing her forehead. He wanted to kiss every inch of her, to hold her to him forever, to protect her from her own suspicions and thoughts, but a screeching voice rang out in the early dawn hours and it was headed straight for them, blonde hair trailing behind along with a fluffy white robe.

"You're not leaving me," Rose insisted, voice hard and cold, fingers digging into his arms.

"Never." He pulled back as Pete shouted at Jackie not to slip on the dewy grass. "Not in a million, trillion years." Eyes lighting on Jackie as she neared, his lips twisted up at the sight of her. "Especially not with that."

Rose smacked him in the chest, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Her," he corrected, rubbing the ache away. She might be eight-and-a-half months along, but she could still hit like a pugilist. "Meant her."

"Rose!" Jackie shouted, then stopped as Rose pulled away from the Doctor and turned toward her. "Oh, my god, you're pregnant!"

"Oh..." the Doctor groaned, rubbing his head as he remembered he'd erased Jackie's memories of their last visit; the baby, Rose, their conversation, all of it was gone and Rose had no idea he'd done it. He scuffed the damp grass with his foot, a pout forming on his lips. "Really not very clever at all."

Chapter 24

sinecure: glimpses: truth, sinecure: dw, sinecure: glimpses, sinecure

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